The Norse

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    Here’s some info on the Norse. I was in the Elven Empire for about a month, but left because I wanted to create my own crew. I did not leave because I hated the crew, and I wish to still keep close ties with the Elves. In short the Norse will be a sort of pirate crew, as the old Norse were. Ships will hopefully be one of our defining traits. We won’t be like the Outlaws, attacking anyone and everyone, all the while being a nuisance to empires and making new players quit. The rules of the crew are simple and few: 1. Don’t kill or harass deckhands without good reason. 2. Causing drama in the crew = kick or warning. 3. Don’t kill crew members without their consent. Self defense is allowed. 4. You can attack whomever you want, so long as it is not another member or deckhand, but be prepared for the consequences.


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    Who the heck did we make leave? That sounds more like Elex. I hope you don’t just judge us by our name. I have kept very close bonds with some empires even though I’m an outlaw. Also did you even understand what Vikings did? They attacked while the females defended. You’re acting like Vikings are peaceful, no pirate crew is unfortunately. The outlaws aren’t all jerks. Also, harassing deckies is not on, after 3 months ago crazy knocked some sense into me and I have been helping the team of deckies who are great at building and anybody who are getting harassed by sailors+


    ~we ain’t all bad


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    @OdiwanKenobi I’m pretty sure he’s talking about the original 0utlaws, not the new Outlaws.

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    Finally some fellow pirate competition besides Secondeath and Lew? Fantastic.

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    Ahhh… @CelticHawk sorry for the misconception


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    Yes I did mean the original Outlaws, I do not see the current “Outlaws” as outlaws, most who saw the original would see in the same way as I. We’re not peaceful either, if we were we would be an empire and not a pirate group. The whole thing about attacking whomever is this: say an Outlaw raids some weak player with strong friends. The friends would kilk the Outlaw for his actions. So if you tick off somebody and they go after you you’d better prepare for the ramifications.


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