The New Meeting Room~News Edition: 29

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    PirateCraft Articles



    Smokey’s Meeting Room!

    Today I was able to explore the new attraction at warp cove, The Meeting Room. This was set up by our very own Smokeyriver as a place that different crews can meet together without this ‘meeting’ turning into an all-out brawl. This allows rival crews to discuss peace treaties without the fear of another war starting as soon as they meet. Thanks again Smokey, for another attraction added to cove!


    Warp Fights! 

    Last evening there was a large brawl in warp arena between dagersh, chamberlain, khaiethan, and nitrogaming77. This fight lasted for quite awhile as iron enchanted armor seemed to fall heaven sent from the sky! At the end dagersh and chamberlain  took over the arena and killed anyone who’d dare oppose their iron rule. Before this fight vapecloudbear, smokeyriver, nitrogaming77, and yours truly had a large chicken food fight in, ironically, warp food. The fight  lasted for 15 minutes or so and eventually ended after most of the chicken fighters left the warp…



    There are no ads here yet because of the reset. Advertisements are £10 a week msg me in-game or pm me to have an ad set up for your crew!


    Warp Advertisements:

    Buy and sell at warp trade! Rent a shop ranging from 50-150£ a month in rent and start your own venture. Contact Bislo1 for vacant shops.


    Quote of the day: Silver47Ag once said: “Thank you for offering, but I am totally capable of dying on my own.” Silver47Ag, 2016

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

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    HURRRAY FOR MEETING ROOOMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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    Darn smokey, I was gonna earn money from my senate chamber. It’s a bad day for the iOdiwanKenobi.


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