The Jedi Idiots Declaration of War against China

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    Odi showed his baby side yet again today, when he decided to initiate a war with the People’s Republic of China. If he decides to go forward with this, I call my allies, the Roman Republic and the Verussian Republic to my aid. In fact, I call upon all of you to just crush him. Odi has gotten too big for his boots, and I say we should work together as a server to crush this annoying foe once and for all!

    I, Supreme Chairman of the People’s Republic of China, agree to this request of war!


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    Paramount Leader of G.U.C.S and founder of Colrainism
    I can't stand vinegar

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    My boots are a size 13 US mens, I’m not too big for them. Anyway, I should tell you what happened. PRC said they were raiding someone, I agreed to join in, then I found out it was a cadet, so as you do I killed everyone who was involved in the siege except for chase, because, well, who cares about chase (plus he was in God and I was in nothing) so then a lot of the rest of the time was just spent killing the idiots that tp’d to the cadet. Annnyyyywwaaaayyyy. Later on I apologised but told them not to do it again as a crew -.- anywayayyayyayaayayayy, I went home and they stopped bothering the cadet, so I paid ultracreeper 100$ because he was crying about how rich everyone is and how he always loses. After I left though I started stalking live map because I have morals (haha jk I have no morals) and then Ultracreeper was saying how bad I was at pvp and how I suck at everything. So as you do, I unallied them, rivalled them, then declared war on them. I’m sure most of you find what ultracreeper did as wrong, but you hate me more so, y’know


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    I guess I gotta channel my inner Trump. Wrong. I don’t cry about how I never lose anymore, I don’t cry about anything anymore. This cadet was dangerously close to Chinese territory, and had far superior weapons and armour than I. He was a threat to China and I had to defend the people. I’ll happily pay back that one hundred bucks, though. I also never said that you sucked at everything. I have no idea where you got that information form. Be real, Odi. Your cockiness is soon coming to an end.

    Paramount Leader of G.U.C.S and founder of Colrainism
    I can't stand vinegar

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    Now you’re just lying, I read live map :/


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    @OdiwanKenobi I could give you quite a few people who care about me, as for last night’s advanced political processes you have shown us you hold no honor in your heart, and that you would result to cowardice as low as backstabbing to progress your aims of gaining material wealth. You fight as a coward and will die as such, killing those weaker than you for no other reason but to gain the little wealth they possess, leaving your men to die for you and shutting out men so you need not rebuttal them and brave their statements. If China enters war expect Rome to help in some way. As for odi he needs to be made an example of, anyone who can get his head before me gets a god bow, and i will hang it near warp east as a testimate to his cowardice. I recommend all interested work quickly.,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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    Mmmmmkkkkkk, because that makes sense, yes, I really needed the /kit captain stuff you guys had hahahahaha, hell nah, I didn’t even check if you had bounties, I just slaughtered you for the morals. And obviously you have honour chase, killing a cadet that was on land and was oblivious to a lot of what was happening. If it’s not claimed, it’s not yours. I didn’t even know you existed until a week ago. I’m also so scared of your 6 man crew that includes DESIGNOR hahahahahahaha


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    One more thing, if your hiring people to kill me, would not that be hypocritical? As you said I made other men die for me? You’re just a l’il nub, also in the chamber you left your crew for dead.


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    @odiwankenobi they won’t die for me, they’ll just be in it for an easy god bow, as for me “leaving” if it were my choice I would have stayed and gotten the extra kill. You see, I was jailed because I had to keep killing the person because he kept tp’ing back. As for us raiding him, we weren’t after his loot, we were helping our ally with a person occupying land he hoped to expand to, the loot was an added bonus. The difference between me and you odi is I kill because I have political or preservative reasoning. You kill for no reason what so ever or to get some sort of stuff from these people lower than you. There were no Morales behind your actions and no honor. As for your comment on my status, let’s not forget at one point you served under my banner, willingly, until we were forced to Expell you from us. At the very least I don’t have to result to insults in order to prove a point.,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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    Yes I see how you could’ve not just told the cadet “move or we’ll take all your stuff” instead of just going in, and taking all his stuff


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    @odiwankenobi i am a man of action, and according to ultra he was actively threatening him, i am done with this, we should have moved this to a private chat,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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    Yeah that would’ve been smarter, I would’ve been fine if ultra killed the cadet himself. But to need his allies, what a lol


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    odi tbh you dun flopped up

    Founder of the Coalition

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    what the hell is going on here lol


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    I’ve asked the guy to move multiple times or face death, but he didn’t comply. It was his fault for settling in Chinese lands and not moving.

    Paramount Leader of G.U.C.S and founder of Colrainism
    I can't stand vinegar

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    I could walk up to Cysteen’s base, say hey, that’s my land, and now it’s my land. Claim your land dumby then people won’t claim on it.


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