The Fate of Rome

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    I am amazed and humbled by all of the veterans who have chosen to bow out in the past few months. Regulars will know that these players (Elex, Law, Sec, Lew, Chase, Kon etc), regardless of affiliation, have all been people that have shaped the face of this world, leaving many monuments and memories behind.


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    My group has seen it’s own events of late. In the beginning, Buckmaster and Konstrucktor were apart of the same crew. Buck eventually split to begin Rome, amassing 50+ players at the crew’s height. Last year, in my lowly Cadet status, he invited me to join. After a few months of his absence, Chasedillon123 / Wadsworth succeeded Buck’s position, reforming SPQR to the New Roman Republic. Yesterday, Chase stepped down from his leading role, and the server itself. As someone who has worked alongside Chase for the better half of a year, it was a heartbreaking day.

    In yesterday’s will, Chase names me as his successor to the Republic. During his reign, I have nurtured our South Eastern territories from a lowly hilltop farm to the headache of a castle it is today. I disbanded my crew to join Rome. I have brought in the most active members to the crew in recent memory. I have sought alliances and heeded to the will of the Senate. True to the Roman mythos, I connected two hemispheres by road!


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    Today, I assume leadership of Rome, now formally known as SPQR. My first plan of action has been moving our official crew home to the Eastern Byzantine Shogunate of Kanto, house of the Throne and the seat of the Council. Fort Kanto, my home, has been designed to safely accommodate new members with private lodging, security and emergency measures, food and resources, proximity to 3 different seas for exploration, and the opportunity to work with many active members and allies across the map.

    I have designed it so that the angles of the castle and towers line up in such a way that the entire castle grounds are view-able from safe positions and suited to either a small or large defense team. My intention is to create a player run city and marketplace across the region, a process that’s only just slowly beginning.

    My second act is to proudly announce the official union of Verussia and Rome!


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    I am confident that this merger will translate into positive change for the whole server. Some of our priorities include adventure construction, biome repair, sign shop villages, and maintaining regional security. Decisions for the crew will be made by joint senior representatives of our council, each of whom represent their own unique regions and beliefs.

    My third and final action is to revoke all former crew grievances and established diplomatic tensions. I’m opening SPQR’s doors to trade, and want to encourage all forms of a healthy economy on this server. If you have a shop that needs supplying, if you need to sell your extras, if you’re looking for something rare, speak with me and I’ll see what I can do. I am also developing fleet prototypes and successful ship designs will be sold to those who need them.

    Otherwise, I just wanted to take a second to say hello and introduce myself.
    Until next time,

    Emperor of SPQR, SPQR & VRE Council Member
    ~ Ex nihilo nihil fit ~ Nothing comes from nothing ~

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    Beautiful speach! Lets make this crew great!


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    I am proud of you, Au Xxatu, for I could not merge or deal with merging, but at least I was a catalyst to this new reign, Long live the Republic. (also are you a graphic designor? these look handmade and are really well done! Also I’m flattered you made a memorial image :$),%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae
    â–² â–²

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    I like the visuals! Did you make them yourself? If so…. wow…. i’m really impressed.

    The Queen
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    From your ally,

    The Elven Kings and Queens wish the Republic the best and may it prosper in your reign. 🙂 look forward to talking with you with relations.


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    I already gave permission to Wadsworth to use the name “Rome” but now since there is a new Emperor (you) I formally bestow the privledge of the name of “Rome” onto you and your empire. May the sun ever shine on your subjects (and you) and may you ever have peace and prosperity 🙂


    - Buildy Squad Leader
    - Governor of Vendigroth
    - Founder and Former Emperor of SPQR
    - Former Minister of Justice of the British Empire
    - Current Lord of the British Empire
    - Member of the Conservative Party in the BE Government

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    Hello everybody I am sorry to here that chase is leaving is and I hope that my inactivity wasn’t part of it.  But I do have to inform everybody that I will be on very sporadically  for a while as I just got engaged and we are planning a wedding.  So for a while at least I will be a rear figure.  If anyone needs perms on my land for anything send me a PM as they go to my email.  I hope to return before long.

    Founder and Princeps Civitas of SPQR.
    Owner of the city of Rome.
    Server Staff
    Nos Ava Caesar Morituri te Salutamus!

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    Thank you all for the kind words! The future is much brighter than I anticipated and I look forward to collaborating.

    I was hoping to make you proud and yes, I am a designer. I found a nice statue that matched your skin but I’d have to switch the head out because of Marcus Aurelius’ beard, so I went with this one. Hopefully all of my future posts will be illustrated. With a crew this large, some forum based communication might alleviate our density 😛


    haha thanks, perhaps an upside to being involved with SPQR will be custom graphics. If I’m not feeling lazy maybe I’ll even make some .gifs


    If not for Buck’s fated visit to my hilltop farm I am sure I’d be an elf :3 Are those treasonous words? Not now that we are ally & ally 😀

    I will continue to rule SPQR from my headquarters but Rome, the city, will always be Rome. Buck’s land is fabled, if not at points insane. There’s no competing with that! haha. Regardless I cannot turn down such kind praise, may the light ever shine on you too, Minister.

    Congratulations! What amazing news. You still have a seat on the council and an authoritative position in the crew as a leader. Rome itself will remain as you see fit, as it is your land. I will continue to establish connection lines and consider Rome the capital city. As far as permissions go,  it’s not an urgent matter so I’ll wait till we next speak on the server. Personally, I’d like to see the underwater base completed and inhabited.

    Emperor of SPQR, SPQR & VRE Council Member
    ~ Ex nihilo nihil fit ~ Nothing comes from nothing ~

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    @Xxatu that is very nice, all I ask is be sure to stay true to the Roman values, and don’t stay leader for too long like I did, who knows? Maybe this is the next BE where leaders are constantly changing, also if you’d like I could turn over some things to you like elexandria, also be sure to keep the crew page and wiki active, that was one of my major faults, and if you keep the crew page open I would LOVE to discuss a constitution to put in our wiki,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae
    â–² â–²

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    So, and therefore, since the esteemed honored leader of the great nation of SPQR has declared a mission statement that is inline with the goals and aspirations of the Brotherhood of Ender, I would like to formally extend the olive branch and hand of peace and alliance.

    I would be honored to hear from you soon, of course understanding the need for due process and senate hearings.

    With Sincere Regards,

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

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    (Ender worships the Titan Chaos, Lord of the void Au Xxatu, I would advise against this),%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae
    â–² â–²

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    Well to be honest I think the only difference in this change of power will be a bit less construction.

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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    Wadsworth, this is a common misconception about why we watch the Void. The evil entity you refer to as “Titan Chaos”, is who we refer to as Jemalchek, the Dark One, the Bringer of Shadows, the master of the evil mobs, and who manifests himself as the Ender Dragon and must be destroyed if he appears. This is why we wait and watch.

    He who is the real Creator and is referred to as He Who Moves Beyond the Void, is whom we worship, for it is useless to worship any other the He who created everything.

    It may be time for me to reveal more of the truths from the Scrolls of Ender.

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

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    Your religion fascinates me.

    Any chance of me becoming part of the Order?


    - Buildy Squad Leader
    - Governor of Vendigroth
    - Founder and Former Emperor of SPQR
    - Former Minister of Justice of the British Empire
    - Current Lord of the British Empire
    - Member of the Conservative Party in the BE Government

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    @Kanube Its fine i was joking, Ender is cool, but if your deity does control the void then he would technically be Chaos, but I really have no problem, i just like adding mortar to the canon structure we’re building ;D,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae
    â–² â–²

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