The Cove Dock Builders & Walkway Builders

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  • #4642
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    Looking for all Dock & walkway builders!

    The Cove is in need of some new docks and walkway/Tunnels/Mountain Cave shops We currently have 3 very basic Docks, but they need finishing or re-doing, maybe in better positions, we have a few big ships incoming soon and they will need to be housed, We also need some more walkways to get around the cove, these are hanging walkways attached to the side of cliffs.

    Thirdly, I am looking for some people to calve in some new areas to the cove, into the cliffs for new shops & new areas to build.


    Tims Docks

    I need someone to Finish off Tim’s Docks and the attached building, this will have a 3 paths to the centre of the cove, This is to house 1 submarine and 2 Manowar/Indianman sized ships.

    I think this will also need a small stone lighthouse/watchtower adjacent.

    Centre Spawn docks

    We are in need of some new “spawn” point docks for the centre of the cove, the old ones were torn out to try and park a indianman sized ship inside the cove, this didnt work out well and the docks were lost.

    Coughing_Dog’s Docks.

    I have recently taken over Coughing_Dogs Docks and shop, replacing his claims with an admin claim, so that we will be able to sell working ships straight from the cove, these docks need to be expanded and Serve room for different ship sizes to be bought, These will need to be re-thought to house Dhows, Schooners and Brigs.

    The orientation of these docks might need to be rethought, and maybe doubled up, all ideas are welcome.

    How to become a cove builder?

    You apply to this forum thread, You will need to tell me what you are interested in building, who you will be working with, and provide examples of your building style so that it matches the coves Pirate Theme.

    From here I will people people and put them in charge of building chosen areas, I will sub-claim trust these areas to the builders.

    Other Cove Build Ideas.

    If you have any other cove building idaes please create a new requests thread in the Cove group forum, I will then be able to decide and allocate building permissions if they are accepted.


    All materials will be brought over, We do have a materials donations system for other players to donate to building causes, These will be distributed by full trusted cove members, who are at present Markusi13 & Unic0rnjunk101



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    Im special not in the mentally ill way though so people say i am but that’s not the point right now 😀

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    You keep telling yourself that >:)

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    can I be a builder im pretty good at building and i would willingly move my rainbow shop into a cliff ( as long as it keeps the rainbow -_-)

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    Venoms have i ever told u that i dislike the rainbow And u should remove it :3 The cove is in need of oak logs dark oak spruce stone bricks Stone and cobblestone any items will be greatly appreciated

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    ^ What uni said, There’s some nice TNT for sale in the cannons shop to “move” the rainbow shop.


    But if you’re up for being a builder, please specify what you want to build! Like I said im not giving trust to the entire cove, its sub-claims.

    Crazy Pirate
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    I have a pretty basic dhow design, that could easily be massed produced for ‘dogs shop/harbour, they could be sold on, or leased, or even travel to different parts of the world. I would be happy to do that, if someone were to help too.

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    @CrazyPirate1 Partly why I held the Ship Building competition, Build & Sail it to the cove, I still havent drawn the other winners of the cove ship building competition.

    Unless I create a second comp for the best dhows/schooners, I might do that, but please submit it early!

    Once I figure out how to script ship sales how I want, im going to need ships! 🙂

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