The BuyCraft Tax

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    The greedy bastards that run BuyCraft, the system nearly everyone uses to act as the middle man between payments and running commands on a server DOUBLED their monthly costs out of the blue, they don’t even process payments. Utterly ridiculous for the “service” they offer.

    It would be way too much effort to move to a whole other system at present, so Im having to introduce a “BuyCraft Tax” because of these greedy assholes i’m adding 0.50c onto each transaction to try and recoup. This wont cover the cost increase but I cant justify much more for the consumers.

    Sorry, cant do much about the greedy bullys, they have no reason to increase no matter what they say, they only act as a middle man running commands their server bills will be minimum, they are processing text, there just assholes.

    I will be looking at alternatives.

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