Ahoy ye Slimy Gits!! Are ye MAN ENOUGH T’ JOIN The Black Diamond?? This post ‘ere be the requirements to join the crew. Now get workin’!!
– You’d have to have the Sailor rank by the very least! We don’t accept random Deckhands!! Let’s us know yer Committed!
– You’d have to be very active, always there when needed.
– You’d have to HAVE Teamspeak 3. We’re always using teamspeak it makes communication faster. Havin’ a mic is optional but it is preferred.
You’d be in the crew but not a fully fledged member.
That’s just Phase 1
Phase 2 will be mostly done in game.
Some rules I’d like to state:
#1: No Mutiny. Yer Mutiny would be useless, because I have fleet. I’d have another ship at the ready to chase ya. I’d rather see the ship at the bottom of the ocean than in the hands of someone else.
#2: Be Mature.
#3: Role-Play on the ship.
#4: Drink Rum, ONLY!
#5: Have fun.
Captain of the Pirate Crew Black Clover
See ya maties either behind my cannons or in their line of fire