Temporary banned?!

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  • #29904
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    Umm today at 11:12 GMT I was seemed to be banned for being rude and vulgar towards a player considering I just logged on and didn’t have a chance to say anything. I would appreciate if calliemav could private msg me what I did wrong because I don’t recall being rude and vulgar towards another player.

    I hope this could be attended to as soon as possible many thanks @calliemav


    ¥Leader Of Atlantians¥

    Crazy Pirate
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    I suggest you log into another server, and scroll up chat, and screenshot the bit regarding your ban. That only works if you never closed minecraft. Otherwise, your only hope is to get your chat logs, and the logs of another player (to validate them).

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    Verbal warning for this Forum Topic, Read this forum post thoroughly.


    Publically posting this message to “private message” an admin is disgusting behavior, this is a very passive aggressive attack at staff for your actions.

    The fact it is based off a temporary punishment makes this worse.

    This will be your only warning to amend your attitude.


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