[Templar Recruitment Form]

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  • #40736
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    The Templars (TMPLR) are looking to recruit! Could you be the member we’re looking for? 😀

    What members offer the Templars:

    • Skill
    • Loyalty
    • Dedication
    • Willing
    • Friendliness

    What the Templars offer their members:

    • Support
    • Protection
    • Fun
    • Community
    • To do what they love


    “The Templar crew is great because we all help each other out and support each other.” – Lithvather

    The recruitment process

    Contact either Chailey (@Chailey) or Creepermorderen (@Creepermorderen). You will be asked a few questions to determine whether you are a good fit for our crew. If the Council believe that you would be a good member, then you will be invited as a Squire (untrusted crew member).

    Apply to join the Templars today!

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    I know I’m gonna get shot down so fast, but I would really love to become a TMPLR, I have really good pvp skill and the people that say I don’t have ever actually versed me. I would bring your kills up by over 500. I may have a dirt KDR but I train everyday in pvp. I’m not very friendly though. And I’ve left all my other crews and killed all their leaders except for the ones that I liked. But if they’re nice to me, I’ll be nice and loyal to them. I’m willing to do work, and I have a god set so I’m ready to pvp. I respect your members, if they do not respect me I understand and I will not join your crew.

    My box wasn’t pleasing to the eye but it took ages to build 😀


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    Soz, very off topic.


    But I like the TMPLRS, they are a constructive, well-headed community that I believe has made PirateCraft somewhat better since they began.

    They have tried to make the server a bit more interesting, and have tested the British Empire in a “fun war” as it’s been put.

    Their members are often long-term players, each with their own distinct knowledge, behaviour, build style and likes and dislikes.

    Yet I have never talked to the entire TMPLR crew, the majority of the crew (from what I can see) are nice, friendly people, who aren’t a*seholes like they could be… but are not. 🙂

    • Topics: 60
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    Lol job interviews on Pirate Craft be like

    “So, what are your expertise?”

    “I am good at killing animals, making forest fire, wearing the animals I kill and colouring them, putting their heads on my wall, killing my friends and foes putting their heads on my wall, sometimes for a hobby I burn people and their families, I build walls of destruction to kill everyone I know.”

    “Is that…it?”

    “yeah, oh and I like long walks on the beach.”


    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 437
    • Total: 500
    • ★★★★★★

    Right! We are still recruiting! We don’t really have any rank requirements, we just require you to be good at PvP, building, redstone whatever! Please feel free to send me a message either via the website or in-game if you have any questions! 🙂

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