Suspected sethome user

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    My Username: {BelmontLeon}

    Player(s) Being Reported. OLPX
    Username: {OLPX}
    UUID: {uuid} cda5aa42-fb93-4e06-a5a8-13a832e4969f
    Punishment Tracker ​​​​Ban Management by Frostcast (

    Reason for Report (please select as needed)
    {breaking rules, cheating, glitching, duping, xraying, exploiting, hacking (Using a hacked client), harassing, griefing}

    breaking rules, harassing

    Overview Description of Report
    I am being harrased by OLPX

    Detailed Information
    So recently after OLPX attacked one of my claimes and Ironic_Iron and myself killed him he has been comming after me and attacking me every day this will make it the second time. One time every day. I would have no issue with this but with how he is able to appear so close to my claim and attack me even after I see him not even remotly close to me on livemap.

    I have no way to prove my theory, that is why I am asking if staff can look into this and see if he has used a sethome in the past to attack me. As I recall using sethomes is illegal. He says he is using some OP potions but I dont buy that.

    Sincerely, BelmontLeon


    • Topics: 3
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