[Suggestion] Inactivity kick for crews

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions [Suggestion] Inactivity kick for crews

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  • #42995
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    Suggesting that after 30 days members from a crew will be kicked. currently have 2 inactive leaders in my crew that I wish to remove but I cannot because they are inactive. Aswell as it would eliminate many 1 man crews that people have made then left never to return which is probably using up server resources. Aswell as it stops crews from ‘noob farming’ inviting players that join once and never play again making their crew look larger

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    I second this notion.

    - Solo player -

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    Increase the time to 3 months


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    Increase the time to 3 months

    if youre the only one in your crew an its 30 days you can just recreate. if theres other people in your crew they can just reinvite you I do not see why it needs to be so long

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    I love the idea.


    The Queen
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    RIP crew population over 80

    Onces it’s accepted a crew with a lot of people inactive will do this

    blank was kicked

    blank was kicked

    blank was kicked

    Haha I’m just trolling but I do love the idea. Healthy cycle! @godsdead whatcha think?

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Isn’t there already a system that will get rid of inactive crews after 60 somethin days? That solves the hundreds of inactive one man crew. As for the idea itself? What happens if your PC breaks or its school? Then you get kicked? I don’t really like this idea

    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
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    Crazy Pirate
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    Maybe, after 30 days, we (the crew leaders) need to do a command so that the players aren’t kicked, so that way we can retain legacy names (Saraphim7, for example). Good idea though.

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    You just described the system we have already, Verified and Non verified crews.

    Non verified crews will auto expire after 90 days if none of its crew members log in that time.

    We also have a trust/untrust system for Members of a crew, for players to organise and run their crew themselves, at present I think people are auto-trusted to match the previous system so we had the smoothest transfer over from the old system.

    Purge is set inactive-clan-days to 365, so crews that are inactive for 365 days will be purged entirely.

    We also have inactive-player-data-days: 365, Which I assume removes all data related to that player when they have been offline 365 days.

    In reality you just want to remove 2 leaders is that correct? yeah mate, that already got suggested http://piratemc.com/topic/crew-leaders/ Good thing I didn’t just listen to the “likes” on that post too, because what happened to that crew recently uni? Exactly what I said as a reply. Already replied to your question in an existing thread, where it was already asked. and No allowing any leader to demote any other leader will cause DRAMA which then wastes staff time because you cant pick the right leaders or communicate properly.

    This isn’t a server issue this is a player issue of not communicating with their crew.

    As ive said already in the existing post, if you want a long term leader removed for aesthetic reasons, then you can create a forum post requesting this, and their “inactivity” can be checked and then removed by staff.

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    Maybe remake the /crew leader (I think thats the command) to where any crew leader can demote another leader, without every leader online. In the past we had this, and (I believe to my memory) there have been no problems with the crew leadership.

    Founder of the Coalition

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    Except when you tried to kick all te EE leaders. 😉

    - Solo player -

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    Ahem, I’m coming down with a cold but I’ll just say this…
    *cough VE takeover *cough*
    *choke* All leaders kicked and bounties were put up *cough*
    *staff involved*

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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    Maybe remake the /crew leader (I think thats the command) to where any crew leader can demote another leader, without every leader online. In the past we had this, and (I believe to my memory) there have been no problems with the crew leadership.

    I literally just explained this, you didn’t read either post. :/ and people wonder why I fly off the hook all the time.

    Except when you tried to kick all te EE leaders. ?

    Exactly this, we had it on the existing system and it was terrible, people just need to either not pick leaders and run it themselves or just trust the person they are setting as a leader, usually the answer is “Think before you make that person a leader”.

    To be fair we could drop those purge numbers from 365 days, they were set this high at first so we had time for crews to settle, I don’t think we need a purge Im a big fan of keeping data for everyone.

    I did find out something really cool about Crews, each crew gets its own permission created for each crew!

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