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  • #510
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    right before I posted my idea about the brethren vs empire thing, well my first development is that I think there should be three sides
    The British Empire
    The Spanish Empire
    The Pirate Brethren
    all three sides hate each other
    the brits and the spanish compete over land and the Pirates just raid whoever the hell they want
    and possibly get land of their own
    as far as leaders go
    GodsDead-Leader of the Pirate Brethren
    SuperGL-leader of the British Empire
    Iamthereaper89-leader of The Spanish
    toggle able if you want I’m just putting them in for now you know as an example
    if Iamthereaper was given some sort of mod/admin rank
    then it would be three members of staff and therefore this ”war” would never end maintaining the story for as long as we want, course we could shift things make changes change the stakes eliminate one side and replace it with another every now and then and go with the flow changes will come by themselves with no help anyway, so yeah, that’s my idea,
    now how to distinguish those in the pirate brethren have some sort of pirate sign spanish have their own sign Brits have their own sign and neutral peasants have no sign they’re just the regular white names you see everyday on here just a sum up of my ideas, any thoughts on this? anyone at all opinions are appreciated yadayada

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    From a technical standpoint, we could do this by having each admin create a protected area for each “city” using grief prevention, which could be manually color coded on the map.
    Trust Perms could be set by each admin to let people join a faction (the factions plugin would be overkill and does not work alongside griefprevention)
    We might be able to set a way to trigger the collapse of a protected area, I.e building a beacon at the center of the land gives control to the attacking faction, Not sure if this is possible, but could be a way to “control land”?

    It would still have to work for new players to just jump in game and play normally.

    Doug “Godzilla0298”
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    We could have it so that during “siege hours” or when both groups are on the attacking pirates have to kill all the defending or they have to control an area for a certain about of time. If someone is really good with redstone we could have it so the attackers have to get to the beacon pull a lever and guard it for say, five minutes until the light at the top goes off/on than the base is ether taken over forcing the other team to find a new base.

    Joining sides could make it more of a “clan” type thing, with each team having a meeting night. This way is the only way I could see this working with out a plugin for people to just pick a side and join.

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    Holding land for a certain amount of time to capture it is called “King of the hill”.
    Ive been looking at setup for this plugin to award a “rank up” automatically based on stats recorded, it’s got its own King of the Hill trigger, so standing in a certain spot for a specific time I can set “rewards” of sorts, which includes sending server commands, so I could trnasfur that land to the capturing plater..

    All these ideas are getting more and more complex, and working their way towards “Factions” Which in no way works alongside griefprevention and is super complex to setup and work and is really designed for massive servers.

    There is other plugins to seperate an entire world into regions, But it would be good to work with griefprevention as it works so well, We can set triggers for certain events?

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    http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ships/ I’ve also found this you’ve probs already seen it and turned it away just a thought on implementing it, it includes airships but I guess zeppelins are ok for a pirate themed place, pirates of the sky sounds pretty cool to me and it’d be like Final Fantasy 9 my fave game just something for the moving ships stuff

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    http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/movecraft/ this is supposed to ”lag something fierce” but I’m thinking better something than nothing try it out ourselves and if it fails uninstall it or put it in a tryout phase

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