Spigot updated to 1.9, but we have 14 broken plugins.

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  • #30222
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    Spigots turn around to 1.9 was absolutely insane timing, I have never seen the server jar be released in such quick time.

    Sadly, after testing all our plugins 14 of them broke with this update (even though Spigot said hardly anything would break)

    This includes major plugins that we are reliant on:

    • Ranks broken
    • Stats Broken
    • Map broken
    • Buycraft broken
    • Cannons broken
    • Tags above heads broken
    • Ship spawning at the cove broken
    • punishment system broken
    • lottery broken
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    yikes, well hang in there, we have the utmost confidence in our fearless leaders!

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

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    Hey I’m sure you can do it  after all even through the thickest moments you have persevered you are the only one who can do it I believe in you as do the rest of the Pirates here

    Crazy Pirate
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    Who needs that stuff anyways? 😛

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    I died on minechat last night….


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    But, good luck fixing it up, I’m not any good with this stuff, but isn’t the only things that are idk nessesary are ranks and cannons? The rest sounds more like little extra things, buy craft can be changed for just trading with someone, nobody scams on this server now. And the no map could help release NO MAP weekend!!! I’m sorry if I am sounding a bit like a barnacle brain in saying that, I know a lot of people use the other 9 plugins a lot too, I’m just still learning that they even exist 😀


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    o mah lord godsy o-o


    no worries, you guys always find a solution :3



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    Are any of these plugins open source?  We could see about getting together a volunteer dev team to fork some of the un-maintained plugin projects and attempt to port them to 1.9.  I’m sure there are others who would enjoy doing this in their spare time, as it would be a great way to give back to the server.


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    New update on this thread coming soon. Hold onto your hats.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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    Update: We have all plugins working. Timing is the issue that’s holding us back, im away for a week and don’t want to drop 1.9 until I have access to monitor whats going on, there will be issues there always is!

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    This may fix most of the plugins:

    If an update is not possible, then SpecialSource may be useful in providing compatibility, simply run the following command from your BuildTools directory:
    java -jar BuildData/bin/SpecialSource-2.jar map -m CraftBukkit/deprecation-mappings.csrg -i MyPlugin.jar -o MyPlugin-fixed.jar

    I got that from this page: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/minecraft-1-9-release.127186/.
    I ran the command with GIT BASH, let me know if you want me to make a video tutorial because it was confusing for me at first. Also, a little background of why most plugins broke was due to the decryption of getOnlinePlayers() method, at least from my knowledge.

    • Topics: 794
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    This may fix most of the plugins: If an update is not possible, then SpecialSource may be useful in providing compatibility, simply run the following command from your BuildTools directory: java -jar BuildData/bin/SpecialSource-2.jar map -m CraftBukkit/deprecation-mappings.csrg -i MyPlugin.jar -o MyPlugin-fixed.jar I got that from this page: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/minecraft-1-9-release.127186/. I ran the command with GIT BASH, let me know if you want me to make a video tutorial because it was confusing for me at first. Also, a little background of why most plugins broke was due to the decryption of getOnlinePlayers() method, at least from my knowledge.

    We know; this was posted the day that spigot released 1.9. Again be patient its not fixing, its TIME, finding TIME to do the update is the issue.

    • Topics: 3
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    This may fix most of the plugins: If an update is not possible, then SpecialSource may be useful in providing compatibility, simply run the following command from your BuildTools directory: java -jar BuildData/bin/SpecialSource-2.jar map -m CraftBukkit/deprecation-mappings.csrg -i MyPlugin.jar -o MyPlugin-fixed.jar I got that from this page: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/minecraft-1-9-release.127186/. I ran the command with GIT BASH, let me know if you want me to make a video tutorial because it was confusing for me at first. Also, a little background of why most plugins broke was due to the decryption of getOnlinePlayers() method, at least from my knowledge.

    We know; this was posted the day that spigot released 1.9. Again be patient its not fixing, its TIME, finding TIME to do the update is the issue.

    Ah, I see, totally slipped my mind you said that the post before. My apologies.

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