Some suggestions :)

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  • #45324
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    Just a few suggestions!

    1. Add a ‘fog’ weather event which occurs randomly like storms do (during the day or the night). Seeing ships appear out of the fog would be so epic 😀
    2. Double claim block generation whilst halving claim sell value (suggested this in the past just thought i’d bump it)
    3. Add a gallery page for assorted media/videos, curated by staff featuring short clips or videos created by players on the server.
    4. Adjust ship sink mechanics***

    *** Currently taking out a ship sails will sink it, much faster than shooting the hull etc. I would suggest making it so blowing up a percentage of a ship sails block makes it immobile (but not sink), while blowing up a percentage of a ship’s hull will sink it. This allows for more dynamic or strategic ship battles and crews can chose to either immobilise fleeing ships they want to loot/hijack by shooting their sails, or sink a ship by filling the hull with holes!

    Look forward to hearing your thoughts on these 🙂

    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
    ~ Founder of Phantom ~
    ~ Co-Founder of Templars ~
    ~ Original owner of HMS Sovereign (Phantom Sovereign) ~

    The Queen
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    Well I like some of the ideas but you need to explain to me what the double claim block is?  😮

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Just a few suggestions!

    1. Add a ‘fog’ weather event which occurs randomly like storms do (during the day or the night). Seeing ships appear out of the fog would be so epic
    2. Double claim block generation whilst halving claim sell value (suggested this in the past just thought i’d bump it)
    3. Add a gallery page for assorted media/videos, curated by staff featuring short clips or videos created by players on the server.
    4. Adjust ship sink mechanics***

    *** Currently taking out a ship sails will sink it, much faster than shooting the hull etc. I would suggest making it so blowing up a percentage of a ship sails block makes it immobile (but not sink), while blowing up a percentage of a ship’s hull will sink it. This allows for more dynamic or strategic ship battles and crews can chose to either immobilise fleeing ships they want to loot/hijack by shooting their sails, or sink a ship by filling the hull with holes! Look forward to hearing your thoughts on these 

    Swwweeet ok I love it all;

    1. I’ll look into random fog plugins, I’ve been playing Battlefield 1 recently and the random fog is Amazing in it, it really changed the gameplay, so we can test this on the test server with some people first (If we find a good plugin).
    2. I don’t want to touch claim generation, its set at 1 claim block per minute you play, 60 blocks for 60 mins; but im open to new ways to obtain claim blocks, at present you can buy claims with in-game money, which there is a vast amount of, the fact we have a /vote that gives free money every day, means an extra set of free claims if you buy them, and that takes no effort. I am open to other ideas though to obtain more claimblocks, I think it should be rewarded to server builders (cough cough, guess what you have helped a lot with).
    3. We have a gallery and Instagram; the gallery images are ALL from version 1, nothing from the last few years has been added, its a massive shame, there’s millions of images all over the forums, that someone at some point will need to gather and put in the gallery, the idea of a media rank is for them to be able to manage this gallery page.
      what I had in mind, was a ton of different gallerys, you visit and then you get thumbnails for folders of events, albums you can view. Same for videos, we could even have a separate video section, I just need someone to take control and mange it. Thats what media role was for really, so we have constant documentation of the server.
    4. I totally agree, but thats not how the plugin works, and currently isn’t possible, it works by a percentage of ALL the blocks needed to build a ship, so if a ship requires wood and wool to sail, loosing 60% of any of those materials means it’ll start to sync, I can’t choose what blocks make it sink. I will request this, but it may end up then making people just hide these materials with other materials to make sure their ships cant sink.


    • Topics: 29
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    1. We have a gallery and Instagram; the gallery images are ALL from version 1, nothing from the last few years has been added, its a massive shame, there’s millions of images all over the forums, that someone at some point will need to gather and put in the gallery, the idea of a media rank is for them to be able to manage this gallery page. what I had in mind, was a ton of different gallerys, you visit and then you get thumbnails for folders of events, albums you can view. Same for videos, we could even have a separate video section, I just need someone to take control and mange it. Thats what media role was for really, so we have constant documentation of the server.

    if possible I would love to have a shot at taking the helm of the PMC Instagram. I am well aware of how that works and I can download pictures from the forums to use. I have done different advertisements for internships and various clubs. PM me if you think its possible that I can take that over.

    A endermite kicked my ass

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