Solomon Archipelago

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    hello there people, for a while now i’ve seen many, many unnamed regions in the Piratecraft server. so here is one you can add to your list of regions. this region is called the Solomon Archipelago with my island being the main island there

    and names for the sub islands

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    saldaski is pronounced like this Sal-da-ski

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    I’d contact Max about this (@maximus).

    He is a great map maker of this server, and has recently created a BRILLIANT new one!

    This new edition map as well includes names of seas, areas, territories, etc.

    I will put the link here so you can see, and possibly find your islands on the map!

    Make sure also to possibly copy and past your information you provide here, as usually he gets many replies from the people on the forums to where certain areas are wrong and incorrect, and where things need to be named and added. For example here; The Solomon Archipelago!

    Have fun!

    The Piratecraft Map – May/June 2016

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