SizzleMcGrizzle/SlyCucumbers Ban Appeal (Alts)

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  • #60604
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    Current Username: SizzleMcGrizzle
    Username when banned: SizzleMcGrizzle
    UUID: 56ef96c7-07d3-47ec-8993-c57c064969ee
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: Callie

    Unban Appeal: 

    Okay, this is confusing, so bare with me.

    (context: I used to alt, I had 5 main accounts, three are mine, two aren’t, I bought a rank (Commander) on SlyCucumbers, known now as sub2sizzLmcgrizzL, and because someone else had access to it I wanted it changed to SizzleMcGrizzle, my main)

    Reason for alt: I was wondering if I could get the rank on my main account, as the account I had it on could be taken back at any time (so I asked GodsDead). After, I logged in my my main, SizzleMcGrizzle, and it flagged the administrators, who at this time, was Callie. I was then banned for alts.

    Nowadays, after a year and a half of csgo, fortnite, and other games, I’m getting back into MC, and this was one of my favorite servers, I want no rank, I just want to play the server again (sorry of that is cringy…)

    I’m done and have been done with the alting business for a long time now, and I realize that I shouldn’t have had multiple accounts on the server in the first place, let alone having someone else’s account.

    [EDIT, IMPORTANT!]: I have five accounts. Three are mine, which I have full access to, two are not mine, and other people have access to. The two that aren’t mine are no longer under my control, and one of those accounts I had the rank on. The five accounts I have are SizzleMcGrizzle, 4ZPz, sub2sizzLMcgrizz (SlyCucumbers), predixtions, and SheenKaboom (DemonStrafez). More details below:

    • SizzleMcGrizzle – (The one account I want to be unbanned)
    • 4ZPZ                         – (Not important)
    • SlyCucumbers         – (Now sub2sizzLMcgrizz, I don’t have access to this anymore)
    • <b>Predixtions          – an account I have not logged onto piratemc with</b>
    • SheenKaboom         – The fifth one, which was DemonStrafez, is an account I do not have access to now as a lost it awhile ago.

    Thanks in advance.


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    Just because you have posted a personal conversation between us as leverage to try and get unbanned, this is denied.

    I never gave you permission to share our conversation public and you never asked me.

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    I have unbanned your account “SizzleMcGrizzle” and banned the other accounts, you should be able to play now @SlyCucumbers

    Thanks for updating the post to make sense.

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