Sieges and Doors

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    Hi All,

    I am new to the server (started last night) and enjoying it so far.

    Got a question about doors and sieges…

    I thought I had started my base off pretty well using stone bricks but I was attacked under a siege earlier today and am wondering how the welcome committee entered my place. I read the Claims and Siege page and watched the videos, which did not mention doors being unlocked until after the defender dies.

    So, are wooden doors safe against a siege? How about trap doors?

    What’s the recommended method for securing an entrance on PirateMC?




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    Wooden doors can be opened when the claim is sieged or not sieged. I don’t know about trap doors though. Iron doors, however, can not be opened unless someone wins a siege, in which case the victors are able to use buttons. Also, during a siege, people can break soft blocks (do “/info siege” for a list) and if one is under an iron door, people can break the block in a siege and therefore break the door.

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    Thanks, Astrobolt.

    Got a request for whoever manages the web site…

    Please update the Claims and Siege page to let new players know what doors are unlocked during a Siege.

    Thanks in advance.

    – Andrew

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    Wooden trapdoors are completely safe!

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    Thanks, WaterPool!

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    i doubt wooden trapdoors are. i have been sieged and i have later found the trapdoors missing. i belive the attackers can break them. IDK just saying my experiance if this helped

    The turtles will rise...

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