Should I add new "craft" types of Turret and Portcullis?

Home Forums PirateCraft Server Updates Should I add new "craft" types of Turret and Portcullis?

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    Movecraft isn’t just limited to vehicles, so we need to decide whether to add some non-vehicle based crafts.

    Turrets (Lazy Susan)

    Last night me and Tim were experimenting with Turrets, which are pretty much just crafts that cant move, only turn.

    So in essence a lazy susan.

    These can be crafts on a craft, so you could have a rotating turret inside a ship, But as far as me and Tim could see, you had to have someone piloting this “Turret Craft” and someone else piloting the main ship to make them move in unison.

    The other problem we found was we could find a way of attaching this to the main ship, it would just assume it was all part of the turret and fail, so we had to make it hover.

    If we added this, we would need to settle on a materials that a turret and its “cannons” could be made out of, I like the idea of limiting iron cannons to turrets.



    So do we add them? Could they cause trouble?

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    I recommended this a long time ago i know this one is reliable.

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    Well that definitely looks a lot easier! No pissing around with signs.

    Plus its got gravity for dropping down faster!

    Since you have used this before Uni, how could this be used in-game for misuse or grief? Either won’t have griefprevention support.

    Also, I think I figured out one problem with the Turret, we we’re not using static signs! Should have been using those Rmove signs in the video showing the Portcullis.

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    I do not know of this being able to be misused or for grief since they can only be moved up and down. I recommend this plugin a lot as it works very nice with ships.

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    I have been on a server in the past with portcullis and I would highly recommend it to this server because of how great it is and how moving gates are a great addition to any walls or caste in comparison to simple piston operated gates.

    I'm chaotic neutral, don't question me

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    Alright, I’ll add this bad boy! It is a lot easier to setup than movecraft signs.

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