Shop for rent sign missing?

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  • #79159
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    Hi! I was interested in renting a small shop. Not many are available, but s35 seems to be (a message comes up that indicates that in chat when walking in). However there is no for rent sign visible. There is also an empty shop next door with no for rent sign, although the same message doesn’t come up. I was just wondering whether either one is actually available and maybe the missing sign is a bug.



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    Hi Dax_Jadzia,

    If the rent sign isn’t there, you can always use commands to rent or unrent a shop. You can do /as info region s(number) or /as info region while standing inside the shop region and click on the rent (or unrent) button in chat that will show up from the command. Another way is to do /as rent s(number) or /as unrent s(number). If you want to use a sign, you can go to the wall of signs at the shop hub, find the shop you want, and click the sign to reach. Let me know if this doesn’t work and I can help find out why!

    – TobySF

    • Topics: 3
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    Thanks Toby! I went with the wall of signs.

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