I figure that this sentence has been asked a million and 1 times by now with twice as many ideas, but why not another?
I was trying to think of some way to get people to sail with ships (as it’s PMC… kinda what the server’s about and whatnot), and to do so without removing /tpa. Well, it occurred to me (because I just ranked up from Deckhand to Sailor) that we’ve required Vanilla boats to rankup… what if we required MoveCraft ships as well? Not for those ranks per say, just in general.
My thought is this – what if we required a certain amount of time (or blocks moved… whichever would be easier to implement) to rankup on certain ranks? For instance, to go from Gunner to Boatswain, it might require…. I don’t know, 24 hours logged with a MoveCraft device. It’s far from a perfect system, and I know that it wouldn’t help anyone who’s already ranked up as far as they want to, and it will annoy a LOT of players, but… hey, it’s not removing /tpa.
Peace for all! Why do we descend into the chaos of our lives when we could live in harmony, without bloodshed, violence, or death? I will protect and defend my crew, my family, and let them enjoy as much peace as my life can offer.