Ship Battle Teams?

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    I know after 2 (not many but hear me out) quite successful ship battles (of none I’ve organised, but the people who have did a marvellous job), why do we think about it becoming a sport of sorts?

    We could have a group that organises these games, and even then, teams.

    Teams could be whole crews, a branch in a crew or a hobby in it perhaps.

    It’d be interesting in how this develops perhaps. With people possibly competing for prizes perhaps soon, it could become something that many people would want to watch or take part in.

    I know many people would perhaps like these friendlies, but perhaps someone (perhaps not me as I do not need the stress currently) to organise a sort of system, perhaps with teams pitting against one another in organised matches and areas.

    With maybe home teams and away teams, it’d be a bit like the sports on TV (but better!)


    This may also mean if the idea for away and home teams, there will need to be openings for the different oceans created to link it up, and we’d also have to ask (nicely please) that people do not interrupt these games or the setting up of them.

    Even perhaps server mods could come in an help moderate them.


    This is just a brain storm, but I wondered if anyone liked the idea or not.

    I’m also sure other people would have thought this up and so I’m sorry if it may seem I stole an idea of yours.


    I know I have not particularly taken part in any of these games, but last moment planning and preparation is a reason why, and so perhaps making it a lot more organised with dates and times planned throughout the year perhaps and (agreed) areas for them to take part at.

    The times would also have to vary to allow people from all over the world to take part as I know I am sometimes limited to what I can do because of timing of some events and so I miss out on things which I find frustrating and I’m sure others do too.


    Again as I’ve probably said, just a brain storm and I hope this becomes an event that happens at least once or twice a month perhaps 🙂

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    Sounds very cool. I wouldn’t mind competing as a minor ship worker in this.

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    This is a great idea, I think lots of people are put off by the idea of travelling ages with their ship, potentially losing it along the way or simply it having time to build a decent size ship to battle with.

    We have built an island to host regular ship battles at. It has a small dock for people to build ships at in advance of battles, some food and ship materials shops and a spectator area to watch from. It’s currently player enforced pvp free like Ae0s and other areas have been in the past and anyone/everyone is welcome to use the area to build ships there! Im also going to add a info board with a list of recommended builders for people looking buy a nice custom ship!

    It’s meant for public use so anyone is free to host an impromptu battle there. A regular date for battles would also be good, maybe every first (day/Friday/Sunday etc) of the month?

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