Next battle this saturday at 8pm GMT (3pm EST)
Event will be at /warp event
It will follow the same rules as last time, standard rules, no double cannons, no teaming.
Cobblestone and melon seed projectiles only, no tnt, no obsidian, don’t leave your ship.
As a rule of thumb, any block with blast resistance of 30 or higher is not allowed (exception being iron blocks and coal blocks). If you have questions, please message me in-game or send me a mail 
Don’t expect huge turnout like last time, that blasted hurricane is messing things up for a lot of people. If it does affect you, please be safe 
Rules, info, and ferquently asked questions can be found in-game with:
- /wiki shipbattle info
- /wiki shipbattle rules
- /wiki shipbattle faq
Hope to see ya there!
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Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia