September & October 2022 Build Of The Month Entry Form!

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    September & October 2022 Build of The Month entry form!

    Ahoy Pirates! We are back with another Competition! Being that there weren’t enough entries for Septbember to run the BotM, the previous month has been merged with October! So let’s get started with the first of our Winter Competitions! Do not waste any other time, grab your materials and get building, Pirate!
    Let’s get started with the rules!


    • Each player may submit a maximum of one build per month.
    • A player is allowed to submit a non-winning (not top 3) build from the last BOTM
    • A winning player is allowed to enter again this BOTM, but with a different build.
    • If a minimum of five builds are not submitted each month, that month’s competition will be cancelled – get your builds in!
    • There are no size limits for any builds.
    • Screenshots will be taken by Ae0n, Olveron and MrLimeWise with SEUS shaders, another option would be your submitting of your own screenshots by private message on discord Ae0n#3397, MrLimeWise#6257, Challia#1077 or by including the imgur link in which you stored your pics.
    • Remember that you can also submit a video of your build in the entry form.
    • The use of building mods (Schematica and such) is strictly prohibited. Any player caught using these mods will be disqualified.
    • The use of building tutorials (Youtube videos, blueprints) is strictly prohibited. Any player caught using these will be disqualified.
    • Submitting inappropriate builds, including the name – will result in disqualification from current and future BOTMs. You may also receive punishment in-game.
    • Submitting a build that is not your own or without explicit permission from the owner, will result in disqualification from current and possibly future BOTMs.


    Similar to the last BOTM hosted, the winners will be decided upon via staff votes.

    While it means that the community will not be allowed to vote, it will greatly reduce the voting bias where ‘friends vote for friends’ and not the ‘better build’.


    1st place

    • Captain Rank for 2 months.
    • Custom BOTM 1st place trophy head.
    • 10000 claimblocks ( worth £5000 in-game ).
    • A set of special BOTM tools.
    • Map art of your Build

    2nd place

    • Commander Captain Rank for 2 months.
    • Custom BOTM 2nd place trophy head.
    • 7500 claimblocks ( worth £3750 in-game ).
    • A set of special BOTM tools.
    • Map art of your Build

    3rd place:

    • Lieutenant Rank for 2 months.
    • Custom BOTM 3rd place trophy head.
    • 5000 claimblocks ( worth £2500 in-game ).
    • A set of special BOTM tools.
    • Map art of your Build


    It’s easy! All you have to do is fill the entry form before 25th of October.

    All Build Of the Month Entries can be submitted at the official form now!

    Or you can fill out the form which is embedded below!

    Dyer Rebecca
    • Topics: 0
    • Replies: 2
    • Total: 2
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    This is fascinating, and I’ll absolutely take part in the competition. pou

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