[sell] MCShovel + Ice God Sets

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    Ic3y ;]
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    Hello Pirates!,

    Myself and MC have decided to create a business plan.
    As of this moment, there is no name for our shop.
    So, we are selling beskpoke God Sets 🙂 YOU (the buyer) chooses EXACTLY what you want on your set and what you want it named. (ofc don’t be silly and name it somthing rude (I won’t give an example))

    Prices (tbc) :

    Bog-Standerd P4 U3 – £900-1000
    P4 U3 + FF4 and DS3 (boots) and RES3 and AQ o (helm)- £1200-1400

    P.s You can have ANY enchant you want. If u want fire prot- will we get You a set for that etc…

    Also We will start with tools if the money rolls in quickly 🙂

    If any of you are Interested- Give MC or Ice a /mail or /msg to place your order or just inquire about your dream set!


    Ice+ Mc


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    $900-1000 is quite cheap..

    I'm the General of the British Empire. (yep, that happened)

    Ic3y ;]
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    @Gottalovepunks As I said prices are TBC and that’s just p4 u3…



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    I will say the same-thing, you are under cutting the market on this and that needs to stop. This is why we cannot fix the economy. Max god sets have been selling for $1500 to $1600 and up to $1800 with mending. and has been like this for some time. we all need to stop selling at cheaper prices to under cut people. i would like the economy to get back to a stable point so we can have shops and players make money, but if this keeps happening there is no point.


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    @Gottalovepunks     Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    “Man, those prices sure are high.” 😉

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    no that is to cheap for the amount of diamonds and books, XP and time, the price needs to stay around were it has been at $1500.


    Ic3y ;]
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    As I said, Prices are TBC max mending sets will probs be £1800- 2000

    so please chill, we wont ruin eco


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    They probably can sell them so cheap because they have a faster production rate then most. This introduces more product into the market creating a surplus of supply  to the normal demand. In order to profit from making so many godsets, they must appeal to the consumer by lowering the price and making them customizable or else they will loose money rather then make any. I do understand that the server economy is in dire needs, but this will hopefully get more players to purchase god sets putting more money into to the economy as this price drop will make buying more enticing. ALso, They won’t be ablr to monopolize the market due to the fact this is minecraft, Players are offline more then they are on it and there is higher value in materials and other goods rather than the monetary system. The economy won’t play out the way it does in the real world despite efforts made by the community. An overthrow is needed to fix it andGods has a solution as, so I say let the prices stay as we wait patiently for Godsy to work his magic.

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    Oil, not trying to make a issue just stating a fact and point. Nickyb we have more gods sets right now then ever. i have 15 for sell right now not including what i have for me, and i know many many players who have 20+ sets of got. the issue is no one is buying them. because no one has money.


    Ic3y ;]
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    It’s all because of donations, u get spawn eggs which  can be turned into an op farm

    It’s a long chain of mess but it’s pretty much irreversible




    Crazy Pirate
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    Oil, not trying to make a issue just stating a fact and point. Nickyb we have more gods sets right now then ever. i have 15 for sell right now not including what i have for me, and i know many many players who have 20+ sets of got. the issue is no one is buying them. because no one has money.

    That’s a very general statement. Nobody is buying because nobody has money? I bought 12 sets last week, and have enough claimblock reserves to invest in a few dozen more. The reason most are reluctant to buy sets are because they are simply overpriced. Should Ice keep prices low, I see no reason as to why I won’t buy en masse.

    no that is to cheap for the amount of diamonds and books, XP and time, the price needs to stay around were it has been at $1500.

    Diamonds are easy to get, why, only last week I had four stacks of blocks in Royal alone. Prices naturally fluctuate, and ‘price wars’ ensure that the consumers get the best value for money. If Ice wants to sell cheaply, let him, and rest assured that he’ll see a hell of a lot more of business than you will.

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    Everything is reversible. nothing is set in stone, As for donations they have been here for along time and everyone seems to use them as a issue but it really does not do that much as for a spawn egg, not much can come to a player to help them.


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    to keep the peace i will not reply to your statement crazy pirate. I am not the only person in this game who see’s the issue here.


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    People can sell whatever they want for whatever price they want. You can’t change that. The economy is not gonna  change just because a diamond is 14.97$ instead of someone selling it for less. Supply and demand. If everything was the same price, how would you know who to buy from? You would get even less business. Which is why you must compete in the market. Im glad you get your diamonds for exactly 14.97$ and nothing less, but the economy works on what you want and who has it…


    and CrazyPirate, you are right on the money. Good job for figuring out how the world works…

    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
    - Vice President of The Thirteen Colonies
    - Master Librarian at Covetown

    Crazy Pirate
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    and CrazyPirate, you are right on the money. Good job for figuring out how the world works…

    If you only read the news for a few minutes a day, then it becomes obvious that the whole works around supply and demand. There are warehouses full of diamonds on the African Continent, so full that if the content were all to be released, the price of diamonds would sink to the price of dirt. However, by releasing a select few at a time, the price can be upped so that more profit is made! Rather simple, really, and I appreciate that someone else knows of it too! 🙂

    If people wish to sell cheaply, let them, and the consumer will flock to their stores. It’s just the way it is, on a pirate server, everyone’s out to make money for themselves.

    Ice, when you do confirm the prices, can you reach me, and see if we can’t reach some sort of agreement? I need to replenish my stocks of God, thanks 🙂


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