Rules Updated on May 2nd, 2016

Home Forums PirateCraft General Rules Updated on May 2nd, 2016

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    The Wiki Rules have been updated here:

    Additions include:

    • Do not use a cart/boat to glitch through a door.
    • No Building adjacent to server owned/claimed builds (warps, aqueduct, cove, etc). With staff approval you may build pirate themed builds in these locations.
    • No building adjacent to any other claim unless all parties agree, try to keep some distance.
    • Do not use a Nether Portal to raid someone.
    • Do not use the /back command following a PvP death, /tpa is ok.
    • Do not use ships/turrets to power redstone or modify a claim.

    We are looking for people whom are interested in building good looking, pirate themed, towns and settlements near and around the aquaduct. Please contact me in game if you are interested.

    "Life is not fair; get used to it."
    - Bill Gates

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    Thanks for posting and updating the rules. Your help is much appreciated.

    Your the best server admin anyone can ask for sir.

    Your loving friend



    The Queen
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    Enough said! 🙂


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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