Rules Update June 2020

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    We have decided to re-add some rules to our website. Most of these rules have been enforced in-game for a long time, but were never formally added.

    Changes include:

    • ADDED “no beacons at /warp shops”
    • ADDED “no fake [rent] signs at /warp shops”
    • ADDED “do not use [sell] signs to empty a player’s balance”
    • ADDED “We do NOT tolerate poor attitude and disruptive behaviour”
    • Re-ADDED “no claim manipulation”
    • UPDATED “/back after pvp death” to include end-crystal bombing
    • UPDATED wording and positioning of other rules.
    • Fixed spelling errors.
    • REMOVED duplicate “no exploiting” rule.

    As staff, we have found it difficult to draw a line between ‘raiding chests’ and griefing. When we updated ships, we anticipated players tealing double chests out of claims, not not players being able to move entire parts of buildings out of claims they do not own, and while the owner was offline. Furthermore we don’t want to promote the mentality of “I’m only safe if I live in an underground box” as we don’t believe this is fair.

    Therefore we have decided to re-introduce the ‘no claim manipulation rule’

    • Under this rule it will be (once again) illegal to manipulate the contents of any claim you do not have access to.
    • This means stealing chests, parts of buildings out of claims, or opening iron doors with ships will no longer be allowed.
    • However, we will continue to allow players to steal unlocked ships inside claims.

    Please familiarize yourselves with the changes by reading our rules page, or checking in-game with /rules

    These rule changes will be enforced from the moment this post is made.

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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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