Rude??? (unnecessary greifing)

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    I come on today and find that my base has been greifed for no reason. I haven’t been hostile to anyone and I can’t think of any good reason that someone would do this. I was going to just quietly fix it when I saw this…

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    I have no idea who did this but think it was with a malicious intent rather than just for the purpose to forward gameplay. Who ever it was, it was rude 🙁

    The Queen
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    Seems like a world war is slowly coming but between nations more than pirates they seem to just help the side that gets more loot..

    we are currently engaged in war with VE and  some criminals to handle

    last I heard the BE is fighting Delta and SI

    VE is fighting a lot of nations


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Looks like something that would take 30 seconds to fix and isnt the effort worth finding out who did it.

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    That does not take 30 seconds to fix, sorry, but it depends if you even have 3-4 stacks of dirt to fill the hole with.

    I agree that it is rude and I have had many similar events like this happen and I truly think that in these past months it has only gotten worse. People are rude and in general really disgusting when it comes to harassment and the way people pvp. No respect given by anyone anymore.

    Founder of Port Hope

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    @godsdead Is unnecessary griefing punishable?  If you grief someones stuff when they aren’t on they clearly did not have that claimed. Therefore is it really yours?

    Regardless, I thought people could grief for whatever reason they wanted? I know if I had the opportunity I would grief a couple players just because of my past experience with certain individuals. (my hidden motivation to do so shouldn’t be punishable should it?)

    For whatever reason why the above happened, maybe the intent was to start a war or to get them out in the open to repair the land so they could kill them?

    There is strategy behind things that I do and it would be nice to know if this is an unacceptable behavor in the future to prevent myself from getting in trouble.

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    Bitching and whining, this is a pirate themed minecraft server, stop wasting my time, I will not spend an hour searching through logs to find out who laid that sign, this is outragious this post was created.

    get a backbone, fill the hole and claim your land.


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