Rome has fallen, PNN special report

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    Aug, 9, 2016

    Edition I

    Rome has fallen

    Reports coming in that the decent sized crew known as the New Roman Republic (NRR for short) has completely disbanded and fallen as of 11:40 this evening Eastern Standard Time, the provocation for such an event was Consulate Buckmaster1993 de-claiming rome, as he wants to move onto other projects. Several witnesses were interviewed after the city was claimed by other players, this is what they had to say:

    “I am very disappointed [the crew had to disband].” -Brother Kanube, recent friend of the crew.

    “I am very disappointed, it seemed like a neat crew. My condolences go out to the Roman citizens… I know many of them were personally invested in it” -(Queen) Kitsune_X, Long time friend of the crew.

    At around 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, Buckmaster1993 endowed the city of New Rome onto a former crew member, who wishes to remain anonymous, at which point several storage areas were claimed, but the individual was not quick enough and allegedly did not have the claim blocks required to claim New Rome, after the claiming was over players Chasedillon123 and Wilsonmanzer could be seen blowing holes into Rome to make it seem aesthetically that a battle had taken place. In this segment we honor the valiant work crew leader Buckmaster1993 had put in to make such an expansive and powerful crew, Rome will be missed.

    Server boarder expanded

    For so long, there were no new dungeons to explore, no new villages to find, no new temples, and now thanks to the valiant efforts of GodsDead there are now new waters to be explored, more land to conquer, and new adventures to be had, not to mention the server is now running on 1.10, so now bone blocks, magma blocks, nether wart blocks, and the like are now usable for all your building needs! Some things you are sure to see from this point onward are pet polar bears, igloos, and new claimed villages, the possibilities are now greater expanding with an expanded map.,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲

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    …I may be complete enemies of SPQR, but I’ve been really liking them lately, their crew home is so cool.


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    Tristior est hodie Romanus videret finem. Non erit amplius Romano imperio pacem, hactenus chaos. Vivat et republica.

    Fratis Kanube

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

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    It shocks me that buckmaster would unclaim it all, he threw away what he had worked on for over a year and a half. The destruction of such a massive city is unprecedented. And sadly Rome will never be able to recover. It also makes me wonder if the people who liked the post of this tragic news are glad it happened.

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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    Rome was amazing in its looks and size, it’s a shame the main town was never put through a major battle where both sides fought untill death.


    A endermite kicked my ass

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