Rome griefing again!
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- This topic has 9 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
April 22, 2020 at 5:31 pm #66283
My Username: {Katsumoto}
Player(s) GoldenMoneyz Cosmickingtaco and many members in Rome
UUID: {uuid} (You can get it from
Punishment Tracker URL: for Report (please select as needed)
{breaking rules, harassing, griefing}Overview Description of Report
On 4/21/2020 I noticed Cosmic, Golden and others in Rome all huddled in one location next to my Tower near /warp north. So I went to investigate. I saw 4 players name tags below me and As soon as I broke a block I saw players and they killed me. I was pretty sure of what was happening I messaged Lego, Smokey and Vape about it. My thought were that they were using a hill to hide mass damage they were doing beneath it so you couldn’t see it from livemap. I went to /warp north again this time I had Vape to as well.Detailed Information.
Rome used cannons to destroy land with only the purpose to destroy.
also Rome claimed those cannons so they could not be removed.
Rome members claimed land to destroy it and said it wasn’t illegal since they had claimed it.Vape then gave all of the 10 or more players there a reminder about griefing. This will be there second reminder since Smokey gave them one less than a week ago for the mass griefing they did.
In short this is starting to become harassment and not to mention breaking several rules along with accusing Admins of breaking rules and in general being stupid.
GrizzlyVape saw it along with myself Ovsh and empire gaming.”You can’t fix stupid”
Sincerely,Katsumoto of Isengard
April 22, 2020 at 7:21 pm #66289So, we have a small issue. I can’t tell crews or players not to grief. I can only warn for unnecessary griefing, or for breaking the rules of the server while attacking. So before we can pass any judgement, we, as staff, need the full story. What crew are you in? Are you at war with their crew? Is your crew at war with them? Did you build in “their territory”? Is this the first time you have been attacked? Did you do something to upset them? I’m not trying to take their side as you saw last night. But, Staff can’t step in and tell them to stop without knowing exactly what is going on.
April 23, 2020 at 1:30 am #66291Okay, I feel like we (rome) get the right to defend ourselves here and assumptions cannot be made. No landclaims were made by Rome for raiding, we specifically took refuge in that fort to prepare for raiding and DIDN’T claim it, for this reason. Secondly, we used a singular cannon and were not griefing, we were trying to dig a trench/hole around the (abandoned, unclaimed) fort that we had setup in with the sole purpose for this trench being that we couldn’t claim it so we wanted to make it difficult to reach the building that our bed spawns were placed in during a raiding situation. We did not claim any of that land, and not to be rude but that is a blatant lie on Katsumoto’s behalf. We even specifically were talking among ourselves stating in crew chat multiple times that we were not claiming land, and were not going to be claiming land. I hope that in the event that staff pursue these accusations that they look for factual information, as Rome has plenty of evidence that proves we did not break any rules listed above by Katsumoto.
When Vlad says that we were all huddled near his tower, we were setting up a temporary base (WITHOUT SETHOMES) on an unclaimed, abandoned, stone brick building next to vlad’s base. We did not claim anything or break any server rules by doing this. Vlad says that we argued that “it wasn’t illegal because we claimed it,” he is dead wrong. We did not claim any land, nor did anything illegal occur, If it is necessary chat logs can be checked and prove that we at no point in time claimed anything, said it “wasn’t illegal because of claiming”, or broke any of the rules he accuses Rome of.
Thank you, please consider both sides and if necessary logs should tell the full story.
Prepare for the worst, Hope for the best.
April 23, 2020 at 3:38 am #66292Well first of all that wasn’t a raid. You did not siege any of my claims.
The only reason I noticed something was off was because nametags were appearing near my claim at the Isengard tower.
Well the harrasment charge still stands. I don’t appreciate you guys going out of your way to purposefully go to land around my claims and destroy it just because our crews are rivaled. This is childish and harrasment.
This end here and now or so help me god I will allow my members to go to your land and do to you exactly what you did to me and I will not hold back I will not say , no lets negotiate, no lets play nice. To hell with being nice to yall anymore.
Mojake came and killed me and another one of your membes. they also griefed and partially destroyed a ship I was working on.
Mojake said some Disgusting things calling my ship a terd among many things and he also said in Public chat
that Isen has worms like the worms in a dog from having xxxx with it. Im guess he is referring to the members who left Rome because they didn’t want to stay in that crew anymore.
Mojaks crew is directly allied to Rome and no one else.
You should choose your friends more wisely Rome cause im don’t trying to be a friend to you.
The Gloves are comming off if you dont stop this.
Sincerely, VladDracul.
April 23, 2020 at 5:22 am #66293I just got sieged again from Mojake and bad radish they keep coming after me because a Rome member joined my crew and they are telling me to unclaim it but I literally cant because its not my claim and Mojake replies with Do I care.
This is the second time today he has sieged and attacked me I don’t mind but he keeps going after blocks that are not siege proof like my ship and destroying it.
This is the second time in less than a hour he has sieged the same claim and killed me and destroyed my ship.
Please do something.
I don’t care if its once a day but im starting to feel bullied this is stupid Rome is having Mojake do this and Im asking staff to step in and stop this harrasment.
April 23, 2020 at 8:32 am #66294Count I never said “Do I care”, I believe my exact words were “Did I ask”. Also Rome is not having me do anything I make my own decisions.
Pls unban me
April 23, 2020 at 4:41 pm #66295Ok ima just leave some Screenshots down here because he didn’t have any
You must be logged in to view attached files.The Clown (on leave until further notice)
April 23, 2020 at 5:53 pm #66298Stewie,
I don’t understand why you have to jump into arguments that involve Rome when it has nothing to do with you and you don’t even know the whole story. With all due respect, shut up.If I recall, we sieged and broke that dirt to try to find a way into the base below, in case there was some dirt that led down, we could have broken the dirt manually to cause less damage but it would have take an a lot longer to find a small dirt hole that went through (turns out the entire thing was blocked off with stone anyway). So, while maybe slightly too much, this is still necessary for us to get into the base, or try to get in at least. This is not blatant griefing for no reason just to piss someone off.
Second, if you look at Maxy’s response to another stupid accusation of griefing against us, made by DevilsMerchant (EnderSold), he writes: “If it can be fixed in a couple of hours, it’s not our problem.” The “griefing” on JelatinMold that you show in your screenshots, Stewie, can be fixed in a solid 2 minutes, and certainly within “a couple of hours”.
Vape since you wanted context here are the answers to your questions from ROME’s side of the story:
Katsumoto is in ISEN, we are in ROME, our crews are at war. This is a fact that is widely known and while technically we aren’t at “war”, only rivaled, using the SimpleClans plugin (This is because Vlad keeps denying our war requests), we are very much at war in terms of the game and we constantly attack each other. The reason we are at war is because when Minepixe, a former Roman member and traitor, left Rome to join Isen, keeping his claimed, unbuilt city right outside one of ours. So we told Vlad and Minepixe that if Minepixe doesn’t unclaim the city, we will go to war with them. This is after a few of their members including EnderSold, Acusa, CT, IronAR and a few others had been raiding us for days anyway. This is definitely not the first time we have attacked Isen, we have attacked them many times.Honestly, a lot of people are just jumping on ROME, always calling us the enemies and that we are wrong when they don’t know the whole story, cough cough stewie cough cough. I know we aren’t exactly the most likable crew but this report just makes it seem like ISEN is on a witch hunt, trying to get us banned because we raid them and they get butthurt. We know all about getting raided, ROME gets raided all the time by pvpers, we just deal with it and keep trying. Vlad, stop trying to go to staff to solve all your issues and deal with them yourself. Vlad has made 2 reports on griefing, both of them do not pass Maxy’s response: “If it can be fixed in a couple of hours, it’s not our problem.”
Stop this witch hunt Vlad just fight the war, don’t cry to staff because you know you will lose.
Dragonlord of the Valyrian Freehold (VAL)
Former High Capal of Military and Conquest in ROME
fucking no life loserApril 23, 2020 at 6:41 pm #66299Even though I have an alliance with ROME. They are definitely taking this stuff way too far. Something needs to be done about all this griefing stuff from ROME.
May 11, 2020 at 1:28 am #66597This has since been resolved.
Baz,Proud Member of the Piratecraft history
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