Rome and excessive griefing.
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- This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
April 12, 2020 at 12:41 am #66132
My Username: _Katsumoto_
Player(s) Being Reported.
Username: Cosmickinftaco
UUID: (You can get it from
Punishment Tracker URL: for Report (please select as needed)
{breaking rules, griefing}Overview Description of Report
{overview} Cosmic used a set home to telleport players in his crew to grief land.Detailed Information
{detailed}On 04/10/2020 I had just logged off and checked live map and I saw Cosmics name appear briefly in the exact location that he logged off several months ago when I chased him away. I also noticed he teleported another player to him.I was pretty sure he was using a sethome so I asked Smokey to come check it out. What I found was very sad.
I saw several invisible players destroying unclaimed land. I immediately told them to stop. I chased after one of them and it was Cosmic and he killed me. After that Smokey got a confession from Cosmic that he and members of Rome did indeed grief mass amounts of land.
If staff can roll back the damage I don’t see a need to ban or remove Rome players, but this sort of destroying of land just for the sake of destroying it should not be allowed. I am also aware I was not the first one. I have heard from multiple players of Rome members griefing land around claims.
Live map shows it pretty well and Smokey witnessed it and has names of players who did this. I will not name them here as I believe staff will deal with them.I am truly sad to see this. It’s even worse than what CSN did. About 6 or 7 chunks worth of destroyed land. And some of it no buildings around.
_Katsumoto_ aka VladDracul.
April 12, 2020 at 7:39 pm #66142Addressing a supposed /sethome:
Well Vlad, unlike how your members actually had a /sethome only a few blocks away from the docks of one of our cities (Baz can confirm this), we do not have a /sethome near the Isen city, and wouldn’t even need one. See, incase you didn’t know, your city is a few hundred blocks away from /warp north, and very easy to get into. Bringing up the possibility of a /sethome was a very unnecessary addition to your grief report.
~ Leader of the Imperial Roman Empire ~
- Former Sith Knight of the Eternal Sith Empire -
- Former Lord of the Valyrian Freehold
- Former member of Titan's Hand -"Nobody can touch my swag"
April 12, 2020 at 11:25 pm #66145Well actually Golden it was a bed spawn, and I remember staff saying in chat that it is not illegal. Second of all I can hardly believe you would have used warp north since not a single unclaimed block there was touched. Not even the unclaimed roadway there. Hmmm 🤔.
Also a sethome explains how Cosmic appeared on map at the exact location I saw him a few months back. I literally saw him on live map during the day and his name zoomed to that location. Also don’t tell me what to say and not to say that is rude and frankly uncalled for. I am stating facts as I see it. Also Cosmic has probably deleted the sethome bye now.
This report is to address the mass griefing and you openly stated in chat that you guys went overboard. If that’s not a admition of guilt I’m not sure what is. It’s not that you fighting battles is wrong. It’s how you go about it. I have read the other forum posts about your crew and other griefing they have done.
Staff even explicitly told everyone about it that day and even still you guys do it.
Change your ways or you will be forced to change.
April 13, 2020 at 5:42 am #66150Just to clarify, your members (IronAR) did have a /sethome right outside a roman city, and Baz gave him a warning for it. You can check this to know I’m not making this up. However, what YOU are making up is that we could have had a /sethome.
(Here is a detailed account of the events related to the grief):
Incase you didn’t know, we actually sailed to Isen from Vastere, on dhows. We took 5 dhows, with 2 people in each. You can verify this by asking Torkey, Rivvur, and Minister, who literally sped onto the dhows and killed us, while we were sailing (this was near Maxy’s port). Because, of this, we just had everyone stay at home, and someone sailed on a vanilla boat the rest of the way to Isen. We wanted to carry on with the role-play “invasion” of Isen, so we had the person in the boat land in our target destination (the bay near the area that was later griefed). We then all tped to the member who sailed the rest of the way to Isen, and brought cannons. After bombarding the shores, we went onto the land to observe the damage. (At this point, there were only a few holes in the land, as we used cannons). After going onto the land, we decided to have the legionnaires gather some dirt. We needed more dirt to fill up the holes outside our city, Vastere, that were made when Isen members EnderSold and IronAR attacked earlier that morning. Quite a decent amount of land outside Vastere was griefed by the aforementioned Isen members, so we decided to tell the legionnaires to gather as much dirt from your land as they thought necessary for repairing our land. What followed was about 8 roman members (some with god shovels) taking a LOT of dirt out of an area that was near an Isen building. I would like to say that we did not intend to do as much damage as we did, so I sincerely apologize. We should have had better control over our force of destruction. Clearer directions should have been given, so I am sorry about what took place.~ Leader of the Imperial Roman Empire ~
- Former Sith Knight of the Eternal Sith Empire -
- Former Lord of the Valyrian Freehold
- Former member of Titan's Hand -"Nobody can touch my swag"
April 13, 2020 at 5:59 am #66151Apology accepted.
Just don’t do this again or we might have a role playing of our own and you know players and there destructive tendencies.😉
Sincerely, VladDracul
April 13, 2020 at 6:25 am #66152So, to sum things up:
– In my initial comment on this thread, I said that your city is “only a few hundred blocks away from /warp north, and very easy to get into”. I never said we used /warp north to get there, but rather that it was extremely close to a warp. Therefore, only an extremely lazy (and idiotic) individual would need a /sethome in your city, as it takes about 5 minutes (max) to get there from the warp. Go ahead and ask staff to check his homes if you don’t believe what I’ve already said. The notion that Cosmic would have kept a /sethome at Isen for the past few months is truly moronic. We didn’t even have any problems with you guys back then, and only recently starting being hostile towards you guys again (I say “again” because you might try to bring up our past hostilities during the TNRR v Isen war, or some other shit, to try and explain why we could have ever possibly had a /sethome in your land. ROME had been neutral towards Isen since I joined 7 months ago, and until recent events regarding you and one of our former members. We never kept any sort of loathing for Isen during this time, and I was actually quite good friends with you and mikael). The fact that Cosmic showed up in the “exact location I (you) saw him a few months back” (and there is no way to know this isn’t utter BS) is a mere coincidence, at best. Again, feel free to have staff check his set homes, we have nothing to hide there.
– Yes, one of your members did have a bed spawn outside our city. But the next day, Baz and I found out that IronAR did have a /sethome outside our city (you can check Iron’s punishment tracker).
– We did indeed grief you guys that day, to which I apologize for the severity. However, we don’t plan on doing such an action again, so there’s no need to keep slandering us for it. Also, to address your comment, “change your ways or you will be forced to change”; I don’t think its your place to enforce the rules (leave that to staff) or to make threatening comments like that. lol
~GoldenMoneyz, High Capal and one of the epic leaders of The Imperial Roman Empire
~ Leader of the Imperial Roman Empire ~
- Former Sith Knight of the Eternal Sith Empire -
- Former Lord of the Valyrian Freehold
- Former member of Titan's Hand -"Nobody can touch my swag"
April 13, 2020 at 6:42 am #66153I accepted your apology and that is that. No need to go on. We are so happy to see you have come to your senses.
Oh so you think I will enforce the rules? No that’s staffs job. What I meant by Change your ways or be forced to change is directed at the deeper roots of how your crew is run. You said so yourself that you should have better control. Which implies you don’t have good control over your crews destructive ways. That is what you must change or you will find player will turn away from you and your member. I don’t think you want Rome remembered for their mass griefing and lack of control over their players.Also Why are you bringing up the whole TNRR war. Hakuna matata. That’s in the past let it go. Another thing you must change. Holding onto old grudges or don’t and let them eat you inside until it is all you are.😢
Apology Accepted and move on.🙂
Sincerely, VladDracul.
May 11, 2020 at 1:04 am #66595This has since been resolved, ROME and Isen have talked to each other.
Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂
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