Roman Empire

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  • #17516
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    <p style=”text-align: left;”>As many of you know, I started an empire. I recently thought about stopping it because of constant attacks. So, I am starting it up again, I have a 750 claim blocks, so I will be needing some help with the town. If anyone has no empire or plays a little part in there empire and would like to help, please say so in this post. I have a lab, a town rules area, and a storage room. I have a couple of schooners, and I think we have a submarine. Please help me out here.</p>
    <p style=”text-align: left;”></p>
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>-Dorkito101</p>


    The Queen
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    Dork might wanna change your signiture its out dated.

    Second what have we talked about, take it slow 🙂 trust me you will get there one day but you will need to start off as an settlement of just a kingdom ya know.

    I wish you and your empire the best of luck on this road to prosperity!

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    There is already a place owned by the BE called Rome so what’s the point?

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    o right we already have rome way before dork even joined the elves and then left XD


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    ERM…. I guess there’s a roman town when there’s British people

    E xD


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    Is it possible to join this concept Dork… I can build pretty good siege proof structures traps and  would make a good director and organizer of resources and mechanics cannons ships and all things that go Boom….Yes I know I build a pretty good run on sentence.  Look me up…Oh yeah I think the outlaws may kill me everyday …just to warn you

    ~I whip MA Skull Back and Forth

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