Roles and Ranks Within the Brotherhood of Ender

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    Roles and Ranks Within the Brotherhood of Ender:

    As the Brotherhood moves forward into a more administrative role, we have decided to establish what the official title of Roles and Ranks are.  Some roles do not have ranks, and if they do, they are listed in ascending order.  These, of course, are not set in stone and may be modified and or added to, depending on a user’s circumstances and/or desires, skills, etc.


    1. Novice
    2. Apprentice
    3. Brother
    4. Deacon
    5. Abbot


    1. Guard
    2. Sergeant
    3. Captain
    4. General
    5. Commander

    Other (these are not ranked):

    1. Farmer
    2. Miner
    3. Caretaker
    4. Teacher
    5. Ambassador


    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

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