I’m posting on behalf of Rivvur, since she’s banned off the forums.
Current Username: Rivvur
Username when banned: Rivvur
UUID: https://mcuuid.net/?q=rivvur
Your punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?action=viewplayer&player=Rivvur&server=0
Banned By: GodsDead
During my time playing, I made some huge mistakes. I neglected to realise how Piratecraft had changed my life up to this point. When I first logged on around five-ish years ago I was immediately met some amazing players, that I eventually ended up spending the better half of three years with. I have so many incredible memories but I foolishly decided to throw that all away when I abused the rank trusted to me.
On September 16, 2018, I was banned, almost a full year ago. It took some time for it to dawn on me how vital Piratecraft has been to me growing up. Over the years, I have literally grown up with this server and it’s inhabitants, and I’ve developed as a person so much because of them. Obviously, not enough to realise the huge mistake I was making. The friendships I’ve made because of Piratecraft have stuck with me and I’m lucky to have ever met them.
I do genuinely believe I’ve matured since my ban. I implore you, please consider my unban request. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Sincerely, River