Requests to remove claims

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    Claim Pos:  X: 3,048  Y: 76  Z: -5,880  is just an empty lot.

    Owner:  LeviEvan.  Playtime 7D 1hr  Offline 9 months and Banned.

    Need removed for a current build.


    Founder and Princeps Civitas of SPQR.
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    Claim Pos: x -3740 z -6359
    Claim owner: LaPluie
    Offline time: 3 months
    Playtime: 9 days
    Huge claim that blocks the expansion of cities and buildings, it ruins the landscape and allows access to our land with a nether portal (Been raided because of that). The player is a friend of mine, and even in case of comeback she will understand. Please and thanks, it is interrupting the work of many people.

    Jarl of the Endorien Kingdom

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    @godsdead @calliemav

    I would appreciate it if you could remove this claim.

    Claim Pos: x:-6397 y:64 z:-1608

    Claim Owner: DayWalkyre

    Playtime: 0d:2h:32m:32s

    Offline: 8 months 13 days



    Founder of The Vikings
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    I don't know what else to put.

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    -Claim owner: LaPluie
    -Offline time: More than 3 months
    -Owner playtime: Unknown
    -Claim coordinates: x -3749 z -6384

    Blocks buildings, is empty and allows enemies to enter my land. Thanks.

    Jarl of the Endorien Kingdom

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    Can you remove a claim in the nether at

    X: 1098  Y: 68 Z: 907

    Claim Owner: Zee_King_Bee


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    Coordinates: X: 2,311 Y: 69 Z:-3,957

    Claim owner: moosehunter123

    Time the Claim owner has been offline: 8 months

    Claim owner’s playtime: 5 hrs 49 mins

    ~Privateer for the 13c

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    Coordinates: -3393/70/-522 Owner: Jeelouis_R Offline: 1 Year Playtime: 4 hours, 30 minutes, 25 seconds


    Claim Pos: x -3740 z -6359 Claim owner: LaPluie Offline time: 2 months Playtime: 9 days It is a very annoying claim for a tiny building. It ruins the landscape and the expansion of buildings. Thanks ? Claim Pos: x -3649 z -6298 Owner: Pogsnout Offline time: 2 months 2 days Playtime: 10 hours Tiny and useless claim blocking ship sailing and dock expansion, thanks ?

    Couldn’t find either, already removed?

    Coordinates (5432, 71, 1318) Claim owner (Dj_slime954) Time the Claim owner has been offline (19 days:16 hours:40 minutes) Claim owners playtime (5 days :22 hours :35 minutes :1 seconds) Says he was online last time 3 months ago. *Just an empty box to prevent me from building outwards Coordinates (5332, 62, 1544) Claim owner (ElectroCatz) Time the Claim owner has been offline (4 months:15 days:17 hours) Claim owners playtime (1 days:11 hours:53 minutes:40 seconds) *Claimed for pvp purposes

    That Dj slime one dousnt exist?

    I removed the ElectroCatz one.

    Coords: x -3748 y -6279 Owner TheNyne Off time 3 months 2 days Playtime 2 days Never seen this guy in over one year of playing, his claim blocks my base expansion and docks construction. I hope you will understand, thanks ?

    Cant see it, already removed?

    Gods took care of this in game ? I would like to request this claim be removed. It is against the north east wall of my place. I would have asked him to join me but I have never seen him on. I would like to clear the area and expand my claim around the perimeter to discourage pilling attempts. Coords -1924, 76, -2871 In game name: Unr3achable

    • 0d:15h:38m:28s Playtime
    • First Joined, 2015-09-16 14:34:59, 9 months ago
    • Last Online, 2015-09-20 10:54:01, 9 months ago

    Holy crap you updated your post, nice one man! Take note people, this is how its done!

    This is a wrong post. Please ignore and delete my comment.

    Hey apple


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    Claim Pos: x -1442 z -361 Claim owner: Swordsmanship Offline time: 2 months 24 days Playtime: Almost 7 days This is a pirate who’s played a lot but who hasn’t been seen for months. He’s got one 3-day ban on his record. He’s got a small, empty stone brick hut blocking the way of my build.

    Cant see it, I assume its already been removed.

    Claim Pos: X: 3,048 Y: 76 Z: -5,880 is just an empty lot. Owner: LeviEvan. Playtime 7D 1hr Offline 9 months and Banned. Need removed for a current build.

    Cant see it, already removed?

    ccess to our land with a nether portal (Been raided because of that). The player is a friend of mine, and even in case of comeback she will understand. Please and thank

    Cant see it, already removed?

    @godsdead @calliemav I would appreciate it if you could remove this claim. Claim Pos: x:-6397 y:64 z:-1608 Claim Owner: DayWalkyre Playtime: 0d:2h:32m:32s Offline: 8 months 13 days Thanks -Joe

    Cant see it, already removed?

    -Claim owner: LaPluie -Offline time: More than 3 months -Owner playtime: Unknown -Claim coordinates: x -3749 z -6384 Blocks buildings, is empty and allows enemies to enter my land. Thanks.

    I dont think you are giving me the right coordinates, this wasnt where you sent it, I scanned the area and found a small claim by LaPluie that I removed, please check you are giving me the correct coordinates. I found a second claim by LaPluie that was nowhere near any of the coordinates you sent.

    Can you remove a claim in the nether at X: 1098 Y: 68 Z: 907 Claim Owner: Zee_King_Bee

    No this player is on regularly, you cannot have their land!

    Coordinates: X: 2,311 Y: 69 Z:-3,957 Claim owner: moosehunter123 Time the Claim owner has been offline: 8 months Claim owner’s playtime: 5 hrs 49 mins


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    • Coords:

    X: -3,442

    Y: 63

    Z: 4,373


    Claim Owner: Elexandre


    Time the Claim Owner has been offline: 3 months


    Claim Owner’s Playtime: 56 days


    I know this is a bit a racey one, but the location in question isn’t much, just a medium-sized bunker that doesn’t have much decoration and had been raided dry. Plus, he’s permanently banned.


    Btw, the big unfinished wall around the area isn’t his, it’s mine.


    And sorry for my second one in 2 days 🙂

    ~Privateer for the 13c

    Ic3y ;]
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    Hello Pirates!


    As a handful of you know, I love building modern ships and planes helicopters tanks etc etc. I have just finished the exterior of my new Type 45 Destroyer (designed by me :D).

    I chose the locations because its near a mini island that I can work from an later make a port. However, there is a stupid claim with nothing in it in a 9×9 area. I know, I should have checked before I built it, but there’s nothing there. the guy, enderelf10 has been offline for over 2 years, and I doubt he has any play time.


    So please, can u un claim this Gods, Callie, or any over active Orange Staff member


    Here are some screen shots

    and the cords are : 1020, 59, -2098

    ING IceKnight_






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    Claim Pos: x -1442 z -361 Claim owner: Swordsmanship Offline time: 2 months 24 days Playtime: Almost 7 days This is a pirate who’s played a lot but who hasn’t been seen for months. He’s got one 3-day ban on his record. He’s got a small, empty stone brick hut blocking the way of my build.

    Cant see it, I assume its already been removed.

    Bother, I made a typo posting the coordinates. It’s at -1444/-301.

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    Coords: x -1424  z -6161

    Username: pazz23_legend

    offline: 9 months 24 days

    playtime: 6 hours

    Its blocking me from clearing the land for the last building in my BOTM entry. Thanks!

    A promise made is a debt unpaid.
    -Robert W. Service

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    Coords: x-4444/z-444

    Username: JoeBlub

    Offline: Since 25th May 2016. He’s permanently banned.

    Playtime: VPS says over 2 days, but it’s probably longer.

    This is a huge ugly square that would have become a castle once upon a time, but it’s now just a blot on the landscape. JoeBlub happened to build it right next to a place I had started building on and it ruins my vista. Seeing as the player’s been banned, could the landscape in his plot be regenerated, please?

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    Claim pos: -296 64 1831

    ClaimOwner: MeatyFeety

    Claim Owner Offline: 2 months. { I know that the date does not meet the requirements, but it is a claim very small and a very large building blocks.}

    Claim Owner PlayTime: I don’ know

    Ic3y ;]
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    name enderelf10

    playtime 2 hours 14 mins

    claim pos : 1020, 59, -2098<b></b><i></i><u></u>

    offline 2 years +



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