Requests to remove claims

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    Due to recent abuses from a small pocket of players, we’re forced to change the way abandoned claims are removed.

    FYI: Automatic chest-based land claims which have not been expanded will be automatically deleted when the owner has been inactive for a day, this is due to new players joining the server, planting down their chest and then leaving the server, never to return.

    Claim Conditions

    An abandoned claim may be removed if (and only if) all those conditions are fulfilled:

    • The claim contains no remarkable/interesting/time-consuming (overground or underground) builds.
    • The claim owner has been off-line longer than 3 months.
    • The claim owner has played less than 10 hours on the server.

    The only exception to those rules are claims that don’t respect the server rules (empty claims, offensive structures, claims used for pvp, …).


    • Empty claims can only be reported 15 days after creation (If they have not been automatically removed)
    • If a player has been banned or has left the server this does NOT change anything.
    • Requests made on other players behalf’s are instantly dismissed, You may think this is common sense, but the outrageous requests I have had recently have been “Playername said I could have this/that”.
    • Claims will not be removed so they can be looted, This will only happen for a mini events, Any requests for a “Server claim loot event” will be denied.
    • There will be no justification for denied requests.
    • Asking when a claim removal will be done will put your demand at the bottom of the to-do list.
    • Do not ask staff members (in-game or on the website) about claims removal.
    • Do not post anything else in this topic or abuse this process: it’s for building, not for looting.

    Claim Removal Form

    Only if you have read the rules and claim conditions may you proceed with filling out the form.

    If you find a claim that respects the Claim Conditions and is preventing you from building, then you may reply to this topic with the following form (Anything else will be instantly deleted).

    • Coordinates (Do /getpos in the claim)
    • Claim owner (Exact username, right click with a stick on the claim to obtain it, this will also show you the players offline time)
    • Time the Claim owner has been offline (use /seen <username>)
    • Claim owners playtime (Can be found at

    Staff members will go through the requests when they’ve got time and answer your demands.

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    Claim Pos: x:1,156 y:63 z:-2,278
    Claim Owner: captain_kylers
    Offline: more than 10 months
    Playtime: 14hs (I understand the player is plus 10hs – but only by a little and the claim is tiny! Would really love if you could atleast take a peak! πŸ™‚

    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
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    Claim deleted.

    • Topics: 15
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    Here is a list of several abandoned claims near one of my bases.
    *Sorry for the formatting issues. WordPress totally screwed up.


    Claim Pos:Β /tppos -1045 59 -966
    Claim Owner:Β Charlestone007
    Offline: 5 months
    Playtime: 37 mins


    Claim Pos:Β /tppos -1043 54 -998
    Claim Owner: 69derek
    Offline: 4 months
    Playtime: 1hr 10min


    Claim Pos:Β /tppos -1022 28 -994
    Claim Owner: ChloeNeaf
    Offline: 6 months
    Playtime: 40min


    Claim Pos:Β /tppos -1028 59 -1018
    Claim Owner: Helamid
    Offline: 8 months
    Playtime: 2hr 7min


    Claim Pos:Β /tppos -1019 53 -1029
    Claim Owner:Β simonatorisme
    Offline: 6 months
    Playtime: 3hr 15min


    Claim Pos:Β /tppos -1005 62 -966
    Claim Owner: hotfudge5
    Offline: 6 months
    Playtime: 11min


    Claim Pos:Β /tppos -957 7 -978
    Claim Owner: ZOMBlEMlNER
    Offline: 11 months
    Playtime: 2hr 37min


    Claim Pos:Β /tppos -1131 58 -905
    Claim Owner:Β Arrixuz
    Offline: 5 months
    Playtime: 2hr 52min

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    You sure you have the right cords on the first one? Otherwise the others were all abit off. Please try to post the exact cords from the claim next time.

    I liked the format you used especially the /tppos

    Every claim deleted beside the first one.


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    Terribly sorry about that @markusi13. I used the coords given by the livemap claims layer. I’ll double check them in the future.

    /tppos -1041 67 -960

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    Gone πŸ™‚

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    Claim Pos: x: 1318, y: 69, z: 2571

    Claim owner: aestevens

    Offline: 6 months, 28 days

    Playtime: 9 hours



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    Claim removed.

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    Claim pos: -248 56 -2548

    Claim owner: Wogworld

    offline: 3 months 2 days

    Playtime: idk alot?

    So I did ask Godsy ingame about this and he said i should put it in here, but he cannot remove the claim because Wogworld has played here too much..

    I understand there has been some dumb idiots who ruined the way we could request claims to be removed in the past, but this is my house.. I built it like half a year ago. It was intended to be rented out to people so they could sell their items or buy from others. I’m sad Wogworld left the server and I’d rather he had just kept running his shop forever, but it has been empty for 3 months now.. It should be possible for me to reclaim the building as I built it myself and it is located in my town.. I know this is not a regular request and if you follow the new rules it would be rejected, but please consider, there is no reason that this building remains locked without purpose..

    All I want is the building, the server can have the materials inside, maybe make an event with them or something to improve the server?


    Founder of Port Hope

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    @bislo1 I wasnt responding to you to put this here, There was another player that also requested a claim to be deleted, this is denied as this does not fit in with any of the rules, and this is a long term player. Again as this is trusted to him, this is his claim and property, you can PM him on the website which will send him an email asking for him to remove it.

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    Claim pos: -1253, 65, -2736

    Claim owner: RocSilver

    Claim owner offline: 9 months and 28 days

    Claim owners playtime: Unknown


    Thank you

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    I see… I’ll try and get in contact with him then.

    Founder of Port Hope

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    Can you please remove a claim for me at


    thank you

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    @soccermonkey claim gone πŸ™‚

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