Requesting to remove old banned friend's claim

Home Forums Server Support Claim Removal Requests Requesting to remove old banned friend's claim

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  • #53657
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    My Username: zackbacon
    Coordinates: X: -1272 Y: 67 Z: 1098
    Claim owner: leonaptoricks
    Time the Claim owner has been offline: The /seen is glitching since it says 23 days but he was perm banned march 17, 2017 and his appeal wasn’t approved.
    Claim Size: 9×12=108
    Reason: because we shared the base but since he was banned I cannot do anything since he had everything claimed so I want it unclaimed so that I can claim it, and he msged me saying “you know what if you want claim my base when it gets unclaimed”


    Prepare for the worst, Hope for the best.

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    Leonaptoricks seems to be unbanned now, he was on a few days ago.

    If you still want the base/stuff inside it, just ask him ingame when hes online.

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