report on IronAR

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    My Username: Armandinooo

    Player(s) Being Reported.
    Username: IronAR                                                                                                                                      UUID: 776e9a63-3226-4b11-a042-c871146b0b91
    Punishment Tracker URL:

    Reason for Report  being racist/misuse of staff commands/advertising

    Overview Description of Report
    so basically Iron started being toxic/rude/aggressive/racist and also started advertising other servers and also when he got the new helper rank he started misusing it as a pvp assistance.

    Detailed Information
    when Iron got helper rank it was all ok but then after  a month or so he started being toxic/rude/racist and using helper commands as a pvp assist.


    sadly I have no recordings of abusing staff commands because it happened today at warp arena. but all I gotta say is that IronAR did the same thing and of course he didnt punish himself, that wouldve been hilarious. you could ask Caldera23 or Darth_Puss because they were victims of Iron glitching and then pvp jailing me.

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    Alright, so Armandinooo, you poster, in the second screenshot of him. His tag was Grey like this ” 》”. In the PMs “》” was green

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    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Because the first time he didnt have captain rank and the 2nd time he did</p>
    If you want I could give you the full screenshots of the entire chat


    Best pvper ww

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    Best pvper ww

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    Best pvper ww

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    Probably because you advertised this server on /server play, also I could send you the unedited screenshots.

    Best pvper ww

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    This lacks context or a timeline which can be followed. This appears to be an escalation of your current feud with Ironar and misplaced in this forum. If you wish you can open a ticket by using the large green box it the top banner with Support & Reports. You will however need to submit much more context and information to support your position. What you have posted so far is lacking at best.

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