[Report] Elexandre

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    Elexandre has /sethomes all around Canada, all for only 1 reason; to annoy residents of Canada. He is not welcome there and he knows that very well. Please see the attachement.


    The “Important reasons” refer to attacks of course.

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    Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Governor of the Province of Canada

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    Busted. That’s all I can think of saying.

    I... I've got nothing... Carry on.

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    i dont know how can someone be so…..i think that say’s it all


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    I said for “important reasons”, I fail to see how that relates to BE. And my new bases are multiple biomes from your base. If any staff member wishes to see them for themself, then please message me and I’ll gladly show you. I plan on making basically outposts that are attached to my main base through nether portals.


    There’s no real evidence supporting your claim.


    EDIT: One of these multiple bases I shall be using for farming, one’s for my spider grinder, another I will be making another spider grinder and not sure on the others yet. But I never made no such intention to make these for attacking people. There’s no such evidence to support your ridiculous claim. “Important reasons” doesn’t mean you or your crew.


    Oh, and I don’t have any /sethomes at your base. I have my /sethome at my base, which has the portals inside that connected to my four future Overworld bases…which are all quite a ways from your little town.

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    you are using th homes too get to canada esyly and raids us you run away everytime but its annoying! last time you also used a nether portal to acces my vualt and made a giant hole so people could get too it. you have a history in making you’re base to dam close to others….first with the elves then with me and now with canada…


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    “Delete the homes around canada” “no lol” “there gonna be used for an inportant reason” i was xp farming at the time but will i was afking in the xp farm i looked around the map just for fun and a saw you using the homes again and again to attack canada (all wich failed.atlist the ones i saw) and the conversation clearly states  to remove the home <b>around canada.</b>if the player says its around canada and you dont decline it.it means that at the time you had home’s around canada or close inove to get there in 3-5 minutes……i bellive that you raid canada to have the land all too you’re self…even do canada was there before you joined the server…. having a base close to another person is ok but you clearly use this base to raid them becuase today u used it 5 times to get close to canada and raid it….(wich again you failed too do so).this is atlist the way i see it

    X Vice Minister of Recruitment of the B.E

    (Dr_solids brother)

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    Your bases are all quite a ways from mine, and no I did not use a portal to get into your vault. I’ve never been in your vault besides that one that’s on the surface…which has a dirt floor. I just had to type /siege and dig under. I hardly call that a vault. The portal I used to WALK there, was half way across that winter biome. Please provide better evidence then this. My other bases are going to be used for far more important reasons then your towns. My base is in the nether, and so I need a way to get food and resources from the Overworld. Solution? Make Overworld bases that connect to it. They have nothing to do with you guys, and this situation is no different then if someone else was to walk from their base.


    EDIT: oh, and my nether base was made while I was in the Elves crew. This base was around long before there was conflict, and there’s no rule about expanding. I’m not directly beside that town…I’m a few biomes away.

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    Dr.Solid it’s not the first time.

    My friends Superkbc2 and Fiver555 use to play on this server until Elexandre made a very large base near them.

    They then put signs up asking him to leave but they didn’t, but then again I have nothing against the BE in this next part but their old base atop that hill.

    Is actually the Frostfang place which the BE owns.

    So it’s not just him and Elex is a nice guy just doesn’t listen to signs which ask him politely to leave XD

    Also Elex I have nothing against you either these are friends of mine and not close relations.

    Crazy Pirate
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    I’d just like to point out, like Bebo said;

    You were asked to remove your homes near Canada. So, rather than deny that they were near Canada, you simply said they were there for important reasons, which means that when you thought it wasn’t public, you ere happy to accept that you had sethomes near Canada. The fact is, you’ve been using these bases to attack, and so, ultimately, you are breaking the rules.

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    If I was to accept a TP request from a location a bit further away, it really wouldn’t change much. My spider grinder for example, is for xp and spider eyes/string. So like I said, I am not breaking the rules anymore then someone else accepting a TP request because the main purpose behind these bases (they have no /sethome at them. I use nether portals for travel), is resources.

    Crazy Pirate
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    You missed my point entirely. You deny on the forums that your base is near Canada, and for the purposes of attacking; yet you have used them to attack, and in game, you have accepted they are near Canada.

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    I have not accepted that my base is near BE, because it is not. The main part of it is in the nether world, while the newest additions to it, are attached to it through portals in the Overworld. Accepting TP requests and attacking you guys, has nothing to do with them. If I was across the map, I would attack that base.


    So like said before: My bases have nothing to do with your little town. I have not built directly beside you and prevented your expansion of that place. I have built quite a ways from that place, and have not built near it.

    Crazy Pirate
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    I have not accepted that my base is near BE, because it is not. The main part of it is in the nether world, while the newest additions to it, are attached to it through portals in the Overworld. Accepting TP requests and attacking you guys, has nothing to do with them. If I was across the map, I would attack that base. So like said before: My bases have nothing to do with your little town. I have not built directly beside you and prevented your expansion of that place. I have built quite a ways from that place, and have not built near it.

    Many problems with the above. You did accept, ingame, that your base was near Canada, as you didn’t deny this. You have accepted tp requests to attack Canada, but you have also attacked using your bases.

    It is not a little town, it is actually quite large, with a considerable population. You haven’t prevented our expansion, and no-one questions that, however, as said by me and others many times, you have used the bases to attack us, which is the problem here.

    Finally, you may not have built “near” it, but you are near enough to launch constant attacks, and generally be a harassment.

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    i would just like to poitn out that the uper “vualt” he is talking about is literally my trash can…;-; dont start saying i’m some fool that puts dirt as a floor….all my diamonds armour and gold are in the lower vualt that you somehow found by making and itxact hole to the entrance to the lower vualt (x-ray much) but that dosent matter much since my vault is 9 blocks thick and i cant get affected by cannos XD


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Could one of the staff members look at this report? This is not a discussion forums, this is a report of rule-breaker. Also, LOTS and LOTS of people saw you using those homes to get to Canada. And by that I mean literally within 20 blocks or less of our wall. You have used those homes to attack us, and many people on forums and in game can support that. But I know, you will try to lie out of this one as well. I just believe that staff should believe about 10 or more witnesses then 1 liar. If you deleted those homes, it doesn’t change anything on the fact that you have been spotted using them and that you still broke the rule. There were very few reports where evidence has been stronger. And honestly, this is heck lots of evidence considering that all that happened was teleporting, which is by its nature unscreenable.



    @CallieMav @Ma_c_hi

    Could someone have a look at this please?

    Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Governor of the Province of Canada

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