Hi everyone! 🙂
little backstory, I am sure as you all know gods presented the new crew icon addition a few days back to add custom icons with your rank!
As I discovered this yesterday by bcb, I started to use the icons on my crew! 3 hours total it took for me to give each member there custom look.
This morning when I joined all ranks I changed yesterday were converted back! I was completely in shock as I thought a leader was behind this but as I logged off and thought, I remembered bcb had an icon next to his rank in game.
I quickly manage to log on and little did I know his rank was converted back to the rank he had before the icon was put in!
Now I report this as a glitch because it changed our ranks back to before the icons were put In and others like bcb. I hope this helps and i won’t be putting a icon next to my crew mates now that I know it is a glitch that will just switch back.
I hope it gets fixed soon 🙂
~The Queen~
Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire