Removed Twitter Sidebar, Added Most Liked, Newest Topics and Online

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  • #21147
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    Made a few changes to the website

    • Removed the giant twitter embed from the sidebar as this was a waste of space.
    • Far bottom left of the website (may need to move this) I have changed the recently active people with “Who’s currently online”, I might be able to add both if you want?
    • When viewing any forum/topic you are given some extra links to click “Forum Topic selection”, That links to latest topics, Topics with most replies, popular etc.
    • I renamed “recent in forum” to Recent forum topic reply’s, as that’s what it is, and under that added Newest Topics, just displaying 5 at present.
    • Right at the bottom right of the sidebar I have put “most liked users” these are users that get the most likes.
    • Topics: 35
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    wow i’m number 1……


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Where’s the groups thing gone? I really need that!

    This post that I posted on this post about something is probably useles information.............

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    Yes, I agree with McMonkey. The latest group activity box is very important for keeping crews coordinated and up to date!

    Aside from that, these are very nice changes! 🙂 The recently active players bar was useful for estimating when someone you’re communicating with would next come online, it might be nice to have that in conjunction with the currently active players.

    • Topics: 67
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    same, bring group activity back. Other than that I love the changes 😀

    Founder of Port Hope

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    @MCMonkeyGMx @PaulOnFire @bislo1

    I did not touch, remove or intend the groups section to be removed, It is untouched in the widgets section of the website.

    Since Nothing has happened to it, I till delete it and re-add it, there is no reason for this to not be showing.

    • Topics: 67
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    Ah, so it must’ve bugged out or something while you were rearranging.. glad to know it will be back, i used it alot xD

    Founder of Port Hope

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    @MCMonkeyGMx @PaulOnFire @bislo1

    Very very odd behavior, It just displays as blank if its in certain locations, It was never touched at all, but even moving it to under Newest Topics it just shows a big blank white area, the only place it shows is under the Teamspeak 3 server section! There must be a conflict, but I cant keep testing on the live website!

    • Corrected my spelling for replies
    • moved up the groups so its under teamspeak section
    • extended groups from 5 listings to 6
    • extended newest topics from 5 to 6


    .solid I can see you liked all your own posts to get to “Most liked user” I will removed you from the website if you continue to do this.

    • Topics: 35
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    actually i liked every BE a joke saying “i like the BE” but i’ll remove them dint mean it that way sorry


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    so i dont have perms to unlike.well ok i had it coming :/


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    @Dr.solid There is no reason to post back to back, there is an edit button for every post.

    Also ” i dont have perms to unlike” Is rubbish.

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