removal requests x3 please (same area)

Home Forums Server Support Claim Removal Requests removal requests x3 please (same area)

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  • Author
  • #76923
    • Topics: 15
    • Replies: 56
    • Total: 71
    • ★★★

    My Username: Hemp_Bone

    Coordinates: x 5184 . y 63 . z -25
    Claim owner: cookiepower09
    Claim owner has been offline: 1 year 18 days
    Claim Size: 119
    Reason: owner offline over a year, claim near my property

    Coordinates: x 5211 . y 63 . z 52
    Claim owner: cookiepower09
    Claim owner has been offline: 1 year 18 days
    Claim Size: 690
    Reason: owner offline over a year, claim near my property


    Coordinates: x 5206 . y 67 . z 125
    Claim owner: itsturtle_
    Claim owner has been offline: 2 years 1 month
    Claim Size: 616
    Reason: owner offline over two years, claim near my property

    sabrina (lazydog11)
    • Topics: 11
    • Replies: 678
    • Total: 689
    • ★★★★★★

    all claims have been removed


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