Refresh of text commands

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    I had a few plugins all mixed together doing the same thing, so i combined them all (backend jobbie) that wont make any difference to you guys.

    While I was at it I did a refresh of some of the /info text and created some new commands.

    /coinage is an alias of /info eco

    /gates is an alias of /info gates

    /bridges is an alias of /info briges

    /faq is an alias of /info

    /removalrequest displays a url to the claim removal thread.

    /brewing is an alias of /info brewing

    /wiki is a url to the Wiki page (Soon to have parameters to link to pages)

    /staff now has a complete list of all staff and ex-staff which each have their own slash command;

    /paulonfire /lucky_vincentius /arinthros /chailey /vapecloudbear /smokeyriver /ma_c_hi /calliemav /skymanjay /markusi13 /supergl /iamthereaper89 /godsdead

    Feel free to request any other commands you think would be helpful.

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