Rank xp requirement.

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  • #15631
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    This is a post for a request of the xp requirements for the ranks Carpenter- Boatswain be reduced. Currently they the requirements sit at 60 xp, 80 xp , and 100 xp. Not only are these crazy high numbers only really reachable through xp farms and if you were to grind out a 100 xp in a farm it will not cover the next two levels that require 80 xp and 100 xp. I understand that the last 3 ranks should be hard to earn and show that a player has true dedication to the server but even 80 xp is a crazy amount especially in the newer versions where even enchanting doesn’t even require 30-40 xp to get awesome enchants. I think that if the xp requirement was scaled back proportionally so that boatswain was somewhere around 70, gunner 60, and carpenter being 50 it would still be a challenge to get the upper ranks but at least not impossible to with minimal help from mob grinders.

    Another idea could be to instead of you must have this much xp at a single time which is the part that really makes it a challenge have it a large number like say 200 xp but not all at once just total xp earned while playing on the server.

    Well that’s my two cents

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    No. You can buy/trade and store XP using bottles.

    Use /bottle

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