PVP Free Road and 16,000 Admin Claim in London.

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    Hello everyone, today I come to you to present of what I believe is a pressing issue,

    and it involves the British Empire capital city of London. There is still a PVP free road

    in London, and a 16 thousand block admin claim.


    First of all, let’s talk about the PVP free road. Since London is a player made town

    and by not anyway suppose to be admin claimed, this road gives players an unfair advantage

    to escape combat by running onto the road. My suggestion is that while passing

    through London, maybe the road is a sub-claim which has PVP turned on.


    Here are the two videos I made (I couldn’t combine them into one for some reason):




    Secondly, the 16 THOUSAND admin claim in London. I believe, since once again it is

    a player made town, it should be completely unclaimed and claimed by a player. If you

    reference the screenshots below, there is actually a build and or a room under the admin claim,

    which beause it is an admin claim this area is completely unsiegeable.

    So, whatever is under this admin claim,  can not be sieged, which is once again

    completely unfair to the other players on this server.


    The Screenshots:



    Thank you for your time.



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    Thanks for bringing these points up.

    In regards to the road, I’d like to point you to a similar post in which this was discussed – https://piratemc.com/topic/question-admin-claims-in-London

    I do however agree with you regarding the 16k admin claim – that seems unfair. As a bit of context, it was created when godsy kindly did some wordedit on the river, and since then I guess the BE has just gotten used to it or not really thought much of it. To be honest, it has caused a few problems as well. Since it is an admin claim, subclaims cannot be created by us and permissions cannot be given or taken away so it is hard to manage that area of London. If any staff would be willing to remove it, I’d like to claim over it. I’d just like to request that it not be unclaimed unless I’m on or we arrange a time so that I can claim it without the city being griefed.


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    The server roads were never properly finished, im happy to bin them all. I didnt know they were PvP Free, I assume that was to allow newbies to leave spawn without getting wrecked by OP players. Its actually not a bad idea.

    Then again, they did choose to build around it, and thats what the roads were intended for, so new players could follow the roads and get lead into awesome builds off the bat.

    ALL the server paths need re-looking at, there so confusing. broken, half claimed.

    I dont have the time to do it, so its a job for someone else.

    That path that goes through London is massive, its not just that town, its absolutely massive claim.

    And why the fuck have embedding links stopped working.

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    I assume that was to allow newbies to leave spawn without getting wrecked by OP players. Its actually not a bad idea.

    New players have a 2 hours pvp free timer right as they join, and considering london is a few hundread blocks further from spawn, I think they’d be able to make it to the city and explore it. I don’t think the roads should be pvp free considering anyone can run into it even if pvp-tagged and escape.

    To be honest the solution should be either turning on the pvp or making so you can attack players in pvp free zones if they’re already combat tagged.

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    What road is it? road_c? I don’t get why this was left out of everyones replies. Right click the road block with a golden pickaxe.

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    Road now allows PVP https://piratemc.com/topic/changelog-updated-anti-cheat-and-got-cross-server-ranks-working/

    Who wants to claim the Canal through it? I need someone to take that on, I cant just delete it.

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