[SUGGESTION] Quick travel

Home Forums Crew Group Discussion [SUGGESTION] Quick travel

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    The Queen
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    Hi everyone!



    Been a pending issue to some people on here that they want to travel around the world faster, or constantly non stop saying the world is to big (i like its size) do you think we should ask to add more warps, like warp north and warp north 2. There can be a main warp north then to go out further north warp north 2 but like you spawn in a house or something.


    I call it Quick travel and make it easier for people to teleport raid pillage and things like that. Or some aspect that can be added to make world traveling quicker? I don’t know its just something i have seen a lot of and felt is should be addressed. Thanks again and take care.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Personally I have rarely ever used the warps before because they are very close to the Cove. So I get where you’re coming from.

    I do however feel that we have the best of both worlds at the moment. If you make more warps, people are going to teleport even more often than they already do. This A) makes other forms of travel completely redundant and B) creates more “red zones” where no one will want to build a base, simply because having people able to teleport right on top of you is a complete pain in the neck. Players are more likely to use these new warps as locations for shops. It is debatable what kind of effect this would have on the server.

    The Queen
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    It is a 50/50, the world is so vast people tend to not want to do anything because everyone is so far but at the same time use unused land we can barely get to.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    More warps = even LESS usage of the ships on here.

    More warps = more whining players who get killed.

    Also, didn’t players before complain that the world was too small? Jesus people, make up your minds!

    YouTuber and proud former member of the Crusaders.
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    Maybe the current warps could just be moved out a little further?

    I know this is largely irrelevant as this world won’t be shrunk (maybe in the no tp world?) but I would also prefer a smaller world – more real competition for territory, easier to use ships, more community/shared bases, easier travel etc

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    yea im split here as well, i do like the travel aspect, but going a good 2.5 to 3k blocks to kill someone only for them to log when they see an invisible diamond player is quite annoying.



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    You are joking right? The amount of people that complain that ships never get used because we have teleporting.. You literally can teleport anywhere, you just need to TP to someone near that side of the map, every single player is a portable warp location. Don’t trust them? then don’t request to teleport to them!

    Hell No.

    Current N/E/S/W warps were put in their place specifically with expansion in mind, so they would not be on the outskirts, this is minecraft, it wasnt intended for teleporting everywhere I will list ways for you to get around.

    • Use the warps available, They were purposefully all chose to be around the cove, for this exact reason, and then only have 4 N/E/S/W that puts you in the general direction, HELL these are FREE to use! people expect server warps to be free to use (minus the nether/end). (teleport)
    • Teleport to players (teleport)
    • Use the Crew home (teleport)
    • Use your sethomes, you can literally set homes anywhere you want to “fast travel” (teleport)
    • Use your bed to teleport, this is classed as its own sethome, just happens when you die. (teleport)
    • use ender pearls to jump large distance
    • use nether portals to create links between areas
    • build a rail system, we have god damn rails built in!
    • use a boat
    • use a ship
    • use a horse/pig/whatever
    • use an elytra and fly

    I hate that nobody uses half the transportation mechanics as it is, this is a survival server, survive a bit.

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    *Thinks someone should make a player enforced non-pvp cruise liner which people may love to travel on.

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    Think of it as the final frontier. Think of it as the Alaska of Minecraft, the Sahara of the PirateMC. I do this when i travel, and it adds a little more fun to the problem 😀

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