My Username: Stewie0404
Player(s) Being Reported: PortugalJ
Reason for Report : racism/harrassing
Overview Description of Report:
Today the player in question made a comment that insinuated that all Jews are rich (a common stereotype created by Hitler in “Mein Kampf” [which the player in questions reads by the way. he said it himself] were it is said to be because they “lie and cheat their way to money”). Knowing I was Jewish the comment was directed towards me after I couldn’t find someone to help me out because I would need to pay them a lot of money. This is not the first time he has done this as you can see by his punishment tracker. This is the final straw I am done with this behavior being tolerated. Although he says “it wasn’t meant to harm” he knew this could be deemed racist and he knew it was towards me.
The Clown (on leave until further notice)