Public Apology to however this may apply to.

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    Hello, now after reading many of the major crew’s wiki pages, I have began to realize the true shameful extent of my actions many months ago.

    Betraying the very allies that protected me whenever I called upon them was by far my biggest mistake I have made on this server so I do apologize to the states of: The British Empire, The Thirteen Colonies, Elven Empire and the Xenon Empire. And The Verussian Empire most importantly, for dragging you into this mess because of my fooolish actions.

    Now I will say I have changed considerably over the past months during my absence, however I will still not be able to play and shape VE with a new mind set due to my laptop being broken, but I will try and find a way hopefully. I just wanted to ask for forgiveness from those nations and some others that I may have forgotten.

    However, with that said, I did want to point out that The BE and 13C were adamant on removing my leadership from VE, but I would like to point out that VE practically fractured during my departure from the server and I do not think it will stand with out me, Wilson or Warbluke. Not to be big headed, but I have held up the crew since its creation and I do think it is wrong to remove me or try to remove me, so I plead to those who oppose me to not try and remove me from power.

    I do hope I can make allies from former enemies but if not, I will find comfort in knowing I was brave enough to stand and admit defeat and apologize, If you cared enough to read this then thanks Lol.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    I forgive you.

    You know I’ve always stood back during these wars in the LoN & said “no”.

    But I do believe now time is nigh that relations are repaired.


    Though, it may still be hard to get you or your friends back into a healthy alliance with LoN members, I was talking to Max the other day via Skype about how we could possibly experiment with a group chat for LoN & FNA members, as Max did say he was trying for peace, which I also something I like to preserve on this server.

    So yet you may not probably become an LoN member again, this possible group chat for the two Alliances in which one (the FNA) is struggling in (from what we perceive) & that the LoN could help it out & it’s members through an immediate group, with no citizens in but only the leaders & those who are in the positions of power.


    Hope things all go well & I hopefully we may get that chat group up soon.



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    Interesting so see what a difference reading wiki pages brings.

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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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    Good job!


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    I want to remain in the Federated Nations Alliance, I just wanted to hopefully make former enemies friends perhaps.

    Also, on that note, I do want to further apologize to the members of the Federated Nations Alliance for again dragging those few into that situation.

    And to Iboria, for putting you in such a position where you had to chose your selective alliance with VE or your allies, you chose wisely, and I wanted to thank you for supporting me and staying neutral.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    I’d like to apologize to you, RS. This totally has nothing to do with this post, but I feel that I should say sorry for all the general BS I caused between us on that one post. I caused us to waste almost 5 days arguing over something that, in simple words, is just stupid. I could and should have ended that BS right there, but I did not. Sorry for creating useless drama between us.


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