Postal Service: Ideas anyone?

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    So after all the talk about a president of PirateCraft and his ‘duties’ the idea of a PirateCraft postal service that would deliver packages from player to player popped into my furry head. This would bring about the need for some road improvement, and possibly more port towns/or ferries, but I would like to hear everyone else’s opinions on such a delivery program.

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    Sounds great! What a great idea!

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

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    We just need to get rid of TPAHere and TPA. Then this would be brilliant. I think this would open up more opportunity for pvp as well as increase the community appeal. Having endless members in your crew is doable now seeing as anyone can tp to another making distances irrelevant. Getting rid of TPAhere and TPA will encourage communities and towns. Players will want to build close or nearby to their allies. Godsdead has already mentioned this however I think this would be a positive change. By no means should we rid tping all together as I think having /set homes is great.


    I can only imagine the fun pvp would be when you legit have to march your raiding party to another persons base to attack instead of letting one person go by themselves and then tp everyone in. I think this would solve a lot of problems having people kill others over and over again as once someone is killed they would have to walk all the way back to the base instead of tping to their friends. In addition, (I don’t know if this is possible) is there a way to eliminate /back when a player gets killed by another player? (Make /back nullified upon being pvp tagged?)



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    We just need to get rid of TPAHere and TPA. Then this would be brilliant. I think this would open up more opportunity for pvp as well as increase the community appeal. Having endless members in your crew is doable now seeing as anyone can tp to another making distances irrelevant. Getting rid of TPAhere and TPA will encourage communities and towns. Players will want to build close or nearby to their allies. Godsdead has already mentioned this however I think this would be a positive change. By no means should we rid tping all together as I think having /set homes is great. I can only imagine the fun pvp would be when you legit have to march your raiding party to another persons base to attack instead of letting one person go by themselves and then tp everyone in. I think this would solve a lot of problems having people kill others over and over again as once someone is killed they would have to walk all the way back to the base instead of tping to their friends. In addition, (I don’t know if this is possible) is there a way to eliminate /back when a player gets killed by another player? (Make /back nullified upon being pvp tagged?)

    I completely agree but sadly the mass community is afraid of this idea and I know for a fact many would just give up instantly without giving it a try which is why I believe it should be more of a compromise e.g. only one tpahere and tpa for every player per week or lower

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    I disagree with that. TP is a key thing in this as to walk across the map takes over a hour to do. Now if you want to get rid of it. i would leave it as a donation offer. as i donate for a captain, you could add the ability to tp as a donation. this way it will not go away in full. As for people walking to a base and TPing there crew in. PEOPLE this is a PVP sever. PVP will not stop, the best thing you can do is defend your base better and get good gear.


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    I like the idea Panda. I also agree with Chamberlain. It would make going out into the wild more necessary to do things; thus bringing about a different kind of PVP environment. There’s a roadway that I started awhile ago that I’m thinking I will start expanding now. More roadways would make travel for all of us SOOO much easier. Then I think the idea of travel to places wouldn’t seem as scary if you didn’t get lost all the time.

    As a side note, it would also bring the use of horses, mules and donkeys to a higher level! <3

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    Panda Why not make a Delivery group, also I would like to become a deliverer.

    Emperor of Rohan

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    I’ve always thought of this idea. Having actual trade/mail routes between nations, settlements, etc. With the end to shop warps, this could connect the world in more ways than we could ever think possible. I agree with souldin’s idea of teleporting being a privilege to donating, but we can still make it work without completely getting rid of our ability to teleport. With proper roads and routes, we can have better trade possibilities, like transportation of objects that can not be carried, like livestock. And for those who feel like never settling down, they could form trading caravans and travel from city to city, selling goods along the way. So in my opinion, we should get something like this started, good thinking Mandarin.

    I... I've got nothing... Carry on.

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    Something you must also put to mind is. as you travel this road delivering goods. I and other people will be hiding in the trees waiting to kill you and take what you are delivering. This will make for easy kills and theft. dont just look at the idea of this. none of the roads are PVP free, it can be player enforced but that does not mean anything to alot of people. look at warp shop. did anyone care NOPE.


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    Can we have and update on siege proof blocks then? I want wool!


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    The point of removing TP’s would bring about more PVP Souldin… you have to think about the long term benefits of this action. It would eliminate easy prey. It would eliminate the pvp aspect of someone tping in, killing and tping away which I think is why most people hate the pvp on this server.

    When someone embarks on a trip they would have to expect an ambush, use invis or use allies to protect their caravan. Before, people would tp to a warp and have players insta kill them (I was that guy, it was fun). Without shops we need trade, and what a better way to make piratecraft a pirate server again than having active players make long journeys with valuables so players can hijack their caravans. (If they die trying to hijack a load they have to make the journey again, thus making it worth it to protect yourself) Before, if I died at a warp I would go grab more armor more gaps and come back for more, relentlessly. This is not possible in the scenario with TPA’s / back(see my other message about limiting /back) being disabled.

    I use the “its a pvp server” argument as well and this will not eliminate pvp, it will eliminate the ease of prey killing. If someone had insider information on a caravan being loaded and making a trip, they could get their friends and wait alongside the road for the player to pass. This would make pvp strategic, eventful and meaningful once again. It will in no way eliminate pvp. At worst is it will eliminate those players who are to lazy to work for a kill. (I’m all for that). This will also give the opportunity back to those players who do not donate. Everyone knows that the majority of donators can just tp between homes, do what they need to do and then only come out when they need too. Removing TPA will force larger crews (even my friends from COV) to make journeys to their crew members houses. This will also help prevent Stone Brick bases as if you want a player to come over you will need a way for them to get in/out. Thus making raiding a little bit easier…

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    I guess the biggest downside with this is the fact that players can always tp to cove and then trade there… Thus eliminating the whole purpose of trade routes. Unless Gods can eliminate players dropping/ putting items in chests at cove much like when you are pvp tagged. (may be a bad idea)

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    SO i do agree with some things you are saying i do not think it will change the PVP on here. I call out people all the time to come to my base and try and attack and the issue is, they will not come. to many people are to strong to try and attack. and i have spoke with many people on this issue. removing tp would remove alot of players. now can we change some of the TP yes. as for the shops idk why they were removed. but players can set up there own shops. I am not against this trade route. i am just expressing my thoughts :).


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    So I have a couple of comments:

    1. Removal of TPA/TPAHERE commands would kill the server, nobody is going to visit your build and see what you are doing or to help for that matter. This has been done here and it failed, for a reason.

    2. The abuse of TPA/TPAHERE/BACK/TOP etc are rampant. For example, you can’t sail a ship since any captain can just /top onto the deck and appear beside you. So I completely agree they are “A” problem, but perhaps not “THE” problem.

    3. As to the original post, a “delivery service” would be an additional risk for a seller. Even without TP I’d stuff an enderchest, walk empty handed, and deliver it myself. As a buyer, I might be lazy enough to have someone pick something up for me If I could be sure it would not be stolen. As such the “service” would have to buy the item, deliver it, and only get paid on delivery.

    4. Creating more opportunity for PvP can be far less disruptive than the recommendations here. If we had “other worlds” to explore that were more rich in materials, people would go. These other worlds can simple disable the ability to claim land, teleport, etc. Truly “peaceful” players may never go there, but a majority would risk it if the reward in materials is there. Another possibility would be another “dimension” in like a sky-islands setting where the only transport is flying ships. Instead of disabling TPA/TPAHERE/etc we could add 30s warm-up and 5 to 15-minute cool-downs in a new “dimension” without disrupting the current world or gameplay.

    5. All of this skirts the “real” problem. IMHO, the root-cause is that I can build a stone box and I’m 100% safe from anyone. This is both good and bad. I can’t imagine not having a “safe” base unless I have some other storage that is safe from thieves.

    Meh, just some thoughts, but I still like this server the way it is though 😉

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