PortugalJ blowing up and killing me and my friends

Home Forums Server Support Player Reports PortugalJ blowing up and killing me and my friends

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  • #66825
    Alexander Bon
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    My Username: NotSoCool

    Player(s) Being Reported.
    Username: PortugalJ
    UUID: d375a743-9ff0-4cdd-ad98-0d58a68e0c12
    Punishment Tracker URL: http://bans.piratemc.com/

    Reason for Report (please select as needed)
    breaking rules, harassing, griefing

    Overview Description of Report
    He went invisible, blew up a portion of our island, and killed us a couple times

    Detailed Information
    PortugalJ got here randomly and just started running around holding tnt in his hand and he was invisible. He then broke into all of our ships and stole our resources we got from the one time kit for building ships and then started blowing up the island but luckily we were able to break a bit of the tnt before it exploded


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    Depending on how much damage he did it could be considered extensive griefing. Just be prepared, he likes to attack multiple days in a row, just like ROME.

    • Topics: 18
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    • ★★★★


    Could you please add some pictures of the grief? And preferably coordinates? Stealing stuff is perfectly fine and so is breaking in to ships.



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