Please stop griefing new players if you've been playing for a long time

Home Forums PirateCraft General Please stop griefing new players if you've been playing for a long time

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  • #57124
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    Just don’t. There’s not good loot you can get from that and all you’re achieving is annoying someone and possibly making it so they never play again. This is why the community is really dwindling even though the numbers say otherwise, it’s because some people are just finding a new player’s base and spawn killing them. There is no reason to do it unless your just an idiot who just wants to annoy people because it’s “fun”

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    well admrial_miliki is not an old player, hes rather new, he just is a spoiled brat who spent 300 bucks on the game

    royal navy shipwright
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    turns on hitboxes when pvping

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    1) Please stop butthurt. This is a server where pvp is encouraged, not necessarily on deckies but still. Also, this post doesn’t accomplish anything or persuade anyone, its just a rant.


    2) Really? I got a god bow just yesterday as well as a lot of diamonds and gold from a deckie who forgot to cover his chests.


    3) You’re a new player, who are you to be talking about the community dwindling? I have been on this server for almost two years, and I see the community expanding not shrinking, and becoming more violent. Sure some old players have left, but we have a lot of new good players.


    4) You do not elaborate on what you mean by “griefing”.

    I remember when I was new and I got killed a lot, and I felt the same way you did. But just work hard and you can get the resources and alliances you need to kill your enemies. Making posts and complaining is not the way to succeed. I hate admiral_miliki, but when he annoys me I whip out my god sword and beat him up.

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    The thing is that often times people will just randomly come and kill you. What I mean by it dwindling is while sure, new players are coming all the time, but after a week or 2 most of them have already left. The server recently celebrated 100,000 people, but at one time you’re lucky to see more than 30 on the server, and it’s usually the same people.

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    People randomly kill me. It’s the way this server works.

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    My Crew Orange Trading Co offers a safe haven to new players. We have a siege proof base where you cant be attacked. If you would like an invite I will be on around 530pm EST.

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